Food....for thought


Silver Member
What you expect is what you think about. What you think about is what you attract. Begin to think about what you want to attract into your life. The more you think about it, the more you will expect it. The greater the expectation, the greater the likely hood of its fulfillment. When you expect something exciting to happen, you feel exited. When you expect something bad to happen, you feel anxious. Your expectations have an effect on your emotions. Your emotions can influence your attitude unless kept in check. Therefore negative expectations may result in negative emotions which could lead to a negative attitude which will inevitably attract a negative result. Expect the best and be ready to receive it when it comes, because it will. Glen McQuirk
Took a few reads - made me go giddy - but 100% true. Thanks for posting that :D x
Thats so true thanks Tange how are you doing??
Excellent quote Tange, thanks for posting!