Gone from super healthy low cal dinner to cr@p!


Full Member
Urgh, today was sooo long and miserable at work that I got home and just couldn't face loads of veg preparation!

And I've got a UTI so my spicy dinner plan is probably best put on hold!

WW pizza is in the oven! I'm sure it'll be yummy and I'm still under my calories for the day and I went to the gym, still a little dissappointed in myself though.
Always good to have frozen veg in the house for situations like this. Enjoy your pizza! Mmmmmmmmmm PIZZA!!!! x
Yeah dont worry about it cupcake. Every day cant b perfect. Thats one of the most difficult things i had to learn. If u have a slip up of just havent stuck to ur plan then just dust it off n start 2m afresh!