

Hi, I found this site after googleing celebrity slim!!
I'm doing Rosemary Conley at the moment. I sucessfully lost weight on RC before and have gone back to it following the birth of my daughter 11 months ago.
I weigh 13st 6.5lbs and would like to be 11 stone (10st in my ideal world!!)
I know RC works if you put the effort in but at the moment I'm finding it hard to be motivated. I feel sluggish and lethargic. Feel like i'm in a vicious circle as I'm sure my sluggishness is due to being overweight! Anyway enough moaning. I saw the site and thought it might motivate me if I got on and looked at the forums. xx
Welcome and good luck! If you have lost weight with RC before you can most certainly do it again!! :) Just BE POSITIVE!
good luck on your journey xx