How much weight do you think you would loose


Full Member
Per week on SS+
Per week on 810
Per week on 1000
Per week on 1200
Per week on 1500

I am thinking about starting to work my way up the plans earlier than I originally intended but I just wondered what peoples weight loss has been a different stages of the plans.
As a rough (and i mean rough lol) estimate, work out what a weekly total of calories consumed is and then go onto How Many Calories Do I Need? - basal metabolic rate calculator and type in relavant info. Once you have what your daily calories should be times it by 7. Then take the calories you are consuming away from what calories you should have= with that figure divide by 3500 and you should roughly get what lb you should lose.

for instance

1000 cal plan x 7 = 7000
I should have 2000 calories a day x 7 =14000

14000 - 7000 = 7000 divide by 3500 and you get 2lb

Have i confused anyone else or just myself lol I know what i mean anyway

cdc norwich
should say 3500 figure is because it is around 3500 calories under your weekly calorie amount eg ideal calories consumed to lose 1lb in weight, the same it takes around 3500 over your weekly calorie amount to put on 1lb.

cdc norwich
Has anyone on here have experience of working up the plans and if so, how was your weight loss at each stage?
