Green Days I've never done this ok?


Full Member

I think I'm more green than EE today can some kind soul make sure I'm ok cos I want a 100% week this first week.

Breakfast: porridge & milk = HEA HEB


Lunch 2 ryvita and banana (2 syns)

Dinner. Chips egg beans

Is this ok?
I don't understand why you have counted the 2 ryvita and banana as 2 syns. The 2 ryvita would be your second HEB if you're doing Green and the banana is free. I don't think you're eating nearly enough. I would starve on those rations!
I imagine it's because the banana is mashed up?

Looks fine to me although I'd be hungry if I just ate that too. Mind you, I had egg, chips and beans on Friday and that was a massive portion! Hehe
I counted 2 for the ryvita cos at that Stage I was still thinking Ee but as the days gone on I thought I've never tried a green day so why not. As to how much I eat...I find it hard to eat during the day, just wish I could say the same come evening :'(