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Becca Wecca

skinny minny here I come!
Me and my bf have piled on the pounds :(

So yesterday we joined slimming world online :D

I'm still trying to get my head round the extra easy plan (When I did SW before it was all about the red/green days...)

My question is, I understand you need 1/3 your meal as super free foods, but if I was to have a snack, say a free yoghurt, do I need to make sure I have something super free like a piece of fruit or something with it?
Hi becca

Welcome to slimming world and welcome to minimins!!!!

Regarding your question...i try to opt for speed food as snacks but a lot if the times my snacks are "only" free foods. The 1/3 of speed is there to reduce the overall amount of calories on your plate and to keep you fuller for longer at meal times.
In my opinion adding lets say a piece of fruit to the free yoghurt is eating for the sake of it as the yoghurt would be enough in the first place!

Does that make sense?

Best of luck to you and bf on your weight loss journey!
Welcome Becca (and bf). Good luck with your weight loss journey. You've found the best site around! :)

Kathy :welcome: x
Welcome to minis becca x make yourself at home poppet x