Ketosis ... When?

Without the use of Ketostix because every pharmacy I went to today had sold out, how do you truely know your body is in Ketosis.

Im on day 3 and although it seems a little easier I know this is because Im trying to focus on the end goal rather than how good a bit of food would taste right now. How do we really know when we are in Ketosis?

My mouth feels incredibly stale but I dont know if thats Ketones or just because my breathe is stale because Im drinking LOTS of water! When they say you get a bad breathe - do they mean like really stale or is there a particular smell associated with ketones on the breathe?

Also, I started a blog today!
Is your tongue slightly yellow, if you have a yucky taste intemittently, smelly breathe and slightly dry mouth, then you are defo in ketosis.. ketostix are hit and miss depending on the time of day ect. usually ketosis kicks on on day 3 or 4, can be longer if you have consumed loads of carbs just before starting diet xhths
took me 5 days, but I had a 'last supper'. stale breath is a 'good' sign, if honky breath is ever a good thing, its when you are on a ketogenic diet! lol

good luck