Last Ditch Effort

Hi everyone! I am a bit shy, so please bear with me. I will call myself ZynischeWirklichkeit(German for CynicalReality). Hmmm, where do I begin? heh

Well, I have come here because I need motivation to lose weight. I currently weigh 211 and I an 5 feet 5 inches tall. So, I am probably considered to be obese. In high school, I ran cross country and I weighed a lot less. Now, I weigh a lot more than I used to.

Now, I have a mental disorder called schizoaffective disorder (bipolar and schizophrenia together). This mental disorder causes me to have no motivation and oftentimes little to no energy. My medicines don't seem to help me out the way they should. My medicines have also caused me to gain weight, but right now, my weight is stable. It has been at 211lbs for a while now. I am told that my cholesterole is high.

I am lost. I don't know where to begin, how to motivate myself. This place is my last ditch try at trying to lose weight. I will see if maybe this forum can motivate me

In my spare time, I like to read, learn new languages, go horseback riding, math, physics, and listen to music. I also love nature.