Looking for answers has produced more questions!!

Principessa N

Minimins Addict
I'm a little confused and was hoping someone could set me straight. My book won't be deilivered until next week but i'm trying to get my head in gear, i've read the sticky up top and just got myself more confused.
I did Atkins about 10 years ago but I don't really remember the rules, I remember eating pork chops with mozzerella everyday for a week and I lost a few stone. Anyway is there a limit of what you can eat? like a max weight of carbs/fat a day I've seen someone said 5%/60% but is there a weigh like 100g fat per day. When I did it I'm pretty sure that Induction was for only 2 weeks but I see that you can do it upto 6 months now, can you go up to the next level after 2 weeks and still lose weight?
No there's no weight limit of what you can eat except for the 20g carbs. the percentages are for what amount of the calories in your food come from fat/protein etc - it could be the same percentage for one meal or a whole day.

You can stay on induction or start moving up the rungs of owl - it all depends what is most comfortable for you. I'm on owl and lose well.
The main difference with Atkins nowadays is the increased emphasis on eating veg. I expect you know this already but they recommend 12 - 15 grams of carb from allowed veg. Also getting the protein/fat ratio is important to get fat burning going properly. The other thing that is more of a focus now is portion size, the idea is eat as much as it takes not to be hungry - not unlimited portions for zero carb foods.