Looking to start Lipotrim


Full Member
Hi guys

I am looking to start lipotrim. I have a holiday next week but was going to start after that. I am not sure if i can handle doingit for more then 2-3 weeks or so, so whats the shortest time anyone has been one the 3 meals a day before going on to maintence? Or should i just use the maintence?
I want to lose about 2-2 1/2 stone but would like to get a stone or more off before xmas. I have read that maybe it would be better to start after xmas as i too have lots of things going on and i know my family wont agree with me doing this so will need to eat over the xmas period.
Any advice would be great. We supply lipotrim at the pharmacy where i work but dont want everyone there to know so thought id get a bit of advice from all of you first.
sorry for long post
y not get a start b4 xmas then once ul see results ul be less likely to binge over xmas. if u put it off til after xmas u might never start. as for where to get it. y not get in where u wrk then if people are wrk kno it wil be a little support for u while at work.
Thanks for your advice. I think your right, i will try and start on them monday when i come back from my holiday. I had arranged to meet the lady who does the lipotrim at work so will stick to my plan.
I wont let the others know at work as i am always dieting and at the moment feel i keep failing so will keep it to myself for now.
Thanks again. Will let you all know when i start. I am about till monday so will keep popping in and out.
cool let me kno there is lots of support on this for u anyway! and it works believe me!!!!!!!