Losing the Baby Weight and more.

I'm starting this diary to give me the motivation to lose weight. This time there will be no false starts, no re-setting of weigh in days cause the chocolate splurge days outweigh the good days, no changing diets cause it’s not working when the truth is I just started cheating. I'm going to start this diet with a fresh motivational spring in my step and as I’ve proven it works for me weightwatchers is my plan of choice.

I first found Weightwatchers five years ago when I was getting married, I lost about 2 stone of weight, rediscovered my love of running and was a very happy and svelte 10 stone. This all went wrong when the trauma of infertility hit and so did some of the weight! To achieve my dream the IVF treatment and hormones injections followed, as did the comfort eating and copious milk drinking (helps with egg quality or something they said!).

I’m ecstatic to say that it worked and after five years of longing I gave birth to my beautiful twins, this however did nothing for my waistband! I was around 11stone10 when I got pregnant and was over 15 stone when the twins popped out. 19 months later, following cheating bouts of fasting, slimming world and weightwatchers I have lost a lot of the weight and when I restarted my WW membership (again) I weighed in 11stone8. But none of my old clothes fit, not even the pre-baby but during IVF’s ones! And I’m running out of excuses, I’ve used up the 9 months on 9 months off, its double the trouble so 18 months for twins.. I want to get back to my skinny jeans and to be a yummy mummy!

I long to see the scales read 10 stone again and this time I am determined to do it. I want to start running for me and I need to find the time amongst a hectic mix of toddler chasing and work.

So this is my fresh start and a new motivated journey... Now how do I stop myself stealing the kids snacks?! :p

So this week’s plan is by next Wednesday I will be 11stone6.
Had a good food day today a couple of treats but nothing dreadful. Moving forward tho I don't plan on having many snacks, maybe just a once a week treat. Excuse was that I needed to eat the good stuff to get rid of it before I binge!

Very proud tho as I just completed day 1 of the 30 day shred. I am useless at the abs work, the twins have ruined what little strength I did have in that area!