low blood pressure


Gold Member
Has anyone had low bp on plan??

I figure its unrelated as I'm nearly 8 weeks in. But wondering

Mine measuring highest 90/60 lowest 80/60

Bit unsure if its related or just virus

Any input be act, doc a bit unsure as am I LOL I don't really understand the readings Xx
You can get low blood pressure. The best thing to do is to add a little salt into your savoury packs. Alternatively you can have e hot savoury drinks (such as the one SnS sells) as it will contain salt. If you feel dizzy at any point then contract your thigh muscles a few times - that will help push your blood up to your brain...
at a recent hospital appointment they mentioned my blood pressure was low but I didn't think to connect it with the diet. I have been having spells of dizziness when I first stand up so will try the thigh trick.

is the first time you have had it? Do you recall any dizziness etc prior to starting?
Never felt dizzy before, nurse said possible labarintitus.

Not like anything I've experienced before, only thing that helps is laying flat.

Constant spinning/ marbles in head feeling. Ug LOL
We use salt on Alizonne - so we are actually prescribed salt tablets. i also use salt in the veggies we have for dinner and with tomatoes if i have them for my lunch salad. So i second Weasey's salt advice.

Given you are doing this before surgery, you might want to ask your GP to run some blood tests and check your potassium levels and thyroid. There are rare vlcd problems - and you need to make sure you are Ok. Good luck, Rebekah.