Maple Syrup

Looking at a bottle I have here, it works out at 1pp per 15ml. So it's a bit better than sugar, and is in a more natural state than refined sugar for sure.
I might try this in a cup of tea... dont think i'd need as much maple as I would spoons of sugar (2 tsp) and I've been using sweeteners but I prob use them a bit too much considering diet fizzies are sweetenerized (new word!) and I drink those once in a while too.
Xylitol is one of the better sweeteners, its made from an alcohol sugar. Or stevia, which is made from a plant, but you can only get that online I get mine from Germany. Personally, I avoid all other sweeteners as much as possible, though they are used in so many products, it's not easy. I don't drink any soft drinks and do a lot of baking instead of buying packets of biccies etc
Honestly I dont believe the sweetener rubbish... I think ANYTHING is large doses is bad for people. Aspartame has a huge stigma at the moment I've noticed? It killed a rat in a lab test apparently. Although, in the amount it killed the rat I would have to drink 77 cans of diet drink and NOT go to the loo? So I dunno. Sweeteners are apparently highly tested otherwise they wouldnt be allowed to go into our foods. There's no evidence yet of any dangerous effect on humans. BUT as I said I do think no one should have too much of anything, so I am trying to cut down a wee bit. I've heard about Stevia and I've heard about "bad" things happening to lab rats with overuse of that too... I think it'd be the same with anything really!? I'd love to try it though lol...
Hahaha! So true! :D Enjoy your hol hon :) xx
i love to make toast and chop up or mash bananna onto it then drizzle with some maple syrup it really satisfys a sweeth tooth and is yummy
i ALSO USE XYLITOL AND STEVIA - stevia is very sweet and you need so little of it that it is cost effective.
i find xylitol very nice.
With maple syrup make sure you read label and that it is not maple flavoured syrup. I do use maple syrup and am fortunate enough to get it when I go to the states very tasty on many things