Meal Ideas Anyone

Have you looked at the recipe forum?
I'm just new to this, haven't checked there yet. Also it's very hard to do some of the dishes because we don't have the same food as in the UK and IRELAND. What is your favorite dish?

I would have thought the majority of recipes will be just basic ingredients - meat, fish, veg, herbs and spices. There are well over 100 pages of recipes on here alone. And don't forget you can use ordinary cookery books and recipe websites as many 'normal' recipes can be adapted to be SW friendly. it's just basic healthy eating so the fact that you are in the US should not make much difference. Also check out as BritMum is in Canada but frequently shops in the US.
I would have thought the majority of recipes will be just basic ingredients - meat, fish, veg, herbs and spices. There are well over 100 pages of recipes on here alone. And don't forget you can use ordinary cookery books and recipe websites as many 'normal' recipes can be adapted to be SW friendly. it's just basic healthy eating so the fact that you are in the US should not make much difference. Also check out as BritMum is in Canada but frequently shops in the US.

Will check it out, thanks :) ;)