Extra Easy Motivational tips and ideas??


Hi everyone,

I did Slimming World the summer of last year and reached my target weight, but now im looking for some motivational tips and advice as i have gained a lot back on. My confidence has dropped again as i felt so great before, not only because of the weight but because i felt so healthy and had loads of energy. Now ive slipped back into my old ways of takeaways, quick and unhealthy meals and too many sweets and chocolates i feel lethargic and tired and horrible about my body. The worst thing is im in my final year of a degree course and i need loads of energy to get up and do my work all day, and i also want to look good for my graduation. If anyone has any little tips or stories that would be so great!!!
Little bit of motivation for you! After 1 week on plan you will have far more energy, be more focused and probably have lost anywhere between 2-6 pounds! Youve done it before...u know the drill! Get back on it!!

Dieting is wishful shrinking lol xx