My measurements


Silver Member
I have lost 13inches in 7 weeks
plus 19.8 in 6 weeks and have not been weighed for 1 week.Ill be weighed on tuesday when i start cd:D
Well that has just motivated me!
Wow :) well done you!

Emma xXx
Thanks Emma.You dont realise how much until you actually do the measurements , add them up and put it down on paper and compare from your first measurements.
awh well done hunni that is fab xxxx
it is weird how u dont realise till u add them up i measure every week but dont add the totals, did it last week and i had lost 46inches since june and 26 of these of lighter life...its brill feeling!!
I agree as i was feelin so unmotivated as i have not been weighed..because of the changeover and now im feeling good about it!