New Development Group annoys me!


Full Member
I know it'll take a while to get used to new people in my new group in Development (only my 2nd meet tonight) but boy they are starting to annoy me!

Alot of them cheat and put weight on, and they think nothing of it!

What's the point in doing LL if you're gonna cheat? It's a waist of money for one thing!

Thank God 2 of the group are from my original group, they keep me sane!

Rant over! :banghead:
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Glad u got that off ur chest!!!

I think it would annoy me too but I guess some people find it harder than others...they might give the impression that they think nothing of it because they don't feel comfortable discussing it, but inside they are probably wanting to sort it out?? Maybe...?

I am dreading my developers group... I'm in week 11 of foundation and there are only 3 of us left!!! ... the other 2 will probably be finished by the 14 weeks so it will just be me :(:(:(
I know what you mean about some of the people in developers, but Claire has a really good point. Abstaining seems to be a lot harder for some than others and I keep hearing and reading that once you cheat the first time abstaining is even harder. There are a couple of women in my development group who are so over the top with their emotions that they monopolise the meeting and some of us barely get a chance to speak - that annoys me! Their scrap books are filled with glitter and emotional little sayings, etc. Now I'm being horrible, but you get my drift! I think you have such a bond with the group you do Foundation with that it's almost impossible to get that when you get a new load of people into the mix. Keep at it and don't let their cheating affect you!