Non-scales triumphs


Full Member
Weighed myself this morning, scales haven't moved since Tuesday weigh-in with CDC. Very annoyed.

My housemate came in as I was standing there in my vest and pants and said, 'you're in amazing shape'.

Then I put on my trousers and found I not only can, but need, to do up the belt a notch tighter.

Then I was somewhere I work where there's a huge mirror, and I realised that not only does my fat stomach look much flatter, but I've lose loads off my thighs and bum so my whole body is slimmer.

Scales? Who needs 'em!
I'm the same although only loosing 6lb in the last 2 weeks I felt smaller, so done my measurements and in the last 2 weeks I've lost 1.5 inches off my waist, 1.5 off my bust, 1.5 off my thigh and 0.5 off my arm.

So it goes to show even if the scales arnt being very nice you can still loose inches :)

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