over done it on super free food

Just sat down to do my food dairy and i cant belive how much super free food ive eaten today ive had 2 bannans and a apple with beans on toast this morning then snacked on grapes and melon then for lunch i had a mug shot with a bowl off salad( lettuce, cuecumber, tomatoes, onion, carrot,beetroot and girkins ) then had 2 oranges and a bowl off grapes. Then for tea tonight ive had a omlette with mushrooms tomatoes onion spinach. With a side salad ( lettuce,tomatoe,onion,girkins,beetroot ).then had a banana and apple and now im snacking on girkins and pickled onions. Ive eaten so much today but its all super free and i fell bloated
Sounds like a typical day to me :D Thats how we should be eating tbh :) Although not if youre feeling bloated, youre still supposed to only eat til youre full.