PLEASE let this be the last time I ever start a diet!


Full Member
So, hey guys.
I am back on CD since last week.
I was on LL a few years ago. Changed to CD and lost 3 stones on that.
Had ONE bad move and ended up unable to continue with the diet. In fact I kept the weight off for 6 months and then became really unwell and suffered depression. This lead to the weight piling back on sadly.
I finally got told that my rapid weight loss resulted in gallstones, for which I finally had a cholecystectomy in Apr.
6 weeks later I'm finally back on CD.
I've struggled with my body image all my life. Always being told I was fat 9when, looking back, all I was was a little bigger than my stick-thin cousins).
During my years at uni, I put on a tonne of weight, not noticing because a - I thought I was huge anyway and b - I wore really loose clothes so never picked it up.
I later got diagnosed with PCOS which went some way to explaining some of my weight gain, but introduced a whole gamut of other symptoms which also led to severe depression.
All in all, I'm now 33 and have let my life slip away from me because of my weight or my perception of my weight.

I'm really ready to change that once and for all.
I want to lose the weight, get my life back on track, stop letting people walk all over me and most importantly allow myself to feel happy.

I had my first weigh in yesterday and only lost 8lb. I'm a little gutted, mainly because I have such a long journey ahead of me that I don't know if I can hold out for 9-10 months. Hope I can find some people to go through this with x
Thanks lovely!
Finding it hard to see light at the end of the tunnel at the moment.

I'm a classic self saboteur so just need some inspiration from people going through the same as me to keep me focused and help me reach my goal for real! God willing!
I know how you feel, spent my whole life thinking I was massively overweight, but looking back at photos I wasn't actually that big.

I'm now 34 and feel I've wasted my life, but this is the beginning of my new life, I've lost 5 stone since Christmas most of it on cwp and stil have 8-9 stone to go, I will be on this diet until end of the year, but I will lose all my excess weight
It's ridiculous how awful people can make you feel.
Family at that!

Well done on your losses so far!
That's awesome.

I'm also on the Cambridge Diet - currently on Soul Source, so a bit daunted at the 9 stones roughly that I have to lose, but raring to go!
Feeling more positive as I go on.

I've decided as soon as I get to my goal weight, I'm going to buy myself a good few sets of really well fitted (not tight) clothes, so that I can have better check-points that can send me alarms if I begin to put the weight on.
Am also going to buy a really good scale so I can check myself weekly and know when to cut back.

I really need to start putting these checks in place as once I've lost the weight (and I will!), it ain't EVER coming back on! (Bar a pound or two here and there that is inevitable!)

Here's to a future made by us!
I can't wait to lose the weight and watch my cousins get green with envy! Funny thing is that they are all quite plump themselves now!
Karma, sweet karma! :)
I don't mean to be mean about them, but they have really made me feel awful all my life...
I am doing this for myself... but a little bit of me is certainly going to feel chuffed at getting my life on track and leaving them behind.

What do they say? You can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family!
Thank heavens for my brothers and sister!
My family have always been ok, the ones that haven't I just didn't see, have a lot of family so easily done LOL. For me my family always put slim people down, I suppose they made me feel ok being bigger than average, but at the same time distorted in my head my size.

I'm looking forward to all the people who have ever said anything to me or behind my back about my weight to see the slim me.

In the past 2 weeks I haven't been recognised by people I haven't seen since Christmas. It does outweigh the couple of people that have noticed and commented on my friends stone loss and asked me if I was joining her dieting, um hello?! I've lost at the time 4 stone, that did really annoy me, especially as they have seen me have my diet food.

I am doing this for me, also if I don't lose it soon and meet someone I'm never going to have kids of my own, which is one thing I've always wanted and it hit me this year at 34 time is running out if I don't do something now
Oh my word. I'm so in the same place in regards to kids and meeting someone.
I'm only a year younger than you... it's tough.
I'm tired of being alone and the only reason for this is my weight - not my personality!

And yeah, I have always wanted children. I always thought by this age that I would have a nice little brood and it aches every time I think of the possibility of it not happening.
This is part of the reason ( a HUGE part) that I am just fully raring to go! Finish it once and for all and take charge!
My weight is what's standing in my way, not necessarily because men don't like it, its because I don't. Plus the guys I like don't like bigger women.

Because of the way I feel about myself I have already lost the guy I wanted to be with and it was totally me, he liked me regardless of my size I just didn't have the confidence or courage to do anything about it. I can't and won't let it happen again

I'm 33 and also have body image issues. I'm fortunate in some ways that I have a cut off point and never let myself over a particular weight, so I only have 2 stones to lose but I can honestly relate to the amount of time wasted due to lack of self esteem, dieting, not feeling good enough. And also feel something has to change.

I lost 2 stones almost last year on weight watchers but it felt like a long battle of only losing a pound a week. Kept enough for 8 months until a holiday to Mexico and then lost the plot.

I read a really good book recently though that inspired me called The Gabriel Method and also a fiction novel which I highly recommend called Jemima j by Jane green, about a girl battling with her weight. Everyone I know loves this book, very inspiring.

Girls, we can do it!!! And just remember losing 7lbs in a week is a massive achievement, along with sticking to SS which is more than I ever manage. I'm still stopping and starting constantly...

Good luck x
OMG ladies this is me a 'T'....although am 36...i've always let weight and confidence stand in my way, watch all my friends meet men....loose new men ! Today I'm having a particularly down day about the whole situation, probably because I'm only on the first few days of Cambridge (this time around anyway!)

Someone saw me the other day and commented on how I used to look (am 17.12 now - and commented on how I looked at 12.7) really made me think...and made me realise i have to do this now, life is really passing me by x