Random question

Is it allowed to chew chewing gum whilst on LT?

I think the urge to eat could be subsided with this, just want to check first!
Nope fraid not. Lots of carbs in gum which would kick you out of ketosis.
Did your pharmacist give you a DVD with all the information on it? You should have seen it, and read all the details on the bag and in the literature you should have. If you don't have the blurb, let me know and I can scan them for you. There's not much as the rules are really easy: ladies have 3 Lipotrim portions a day and men have 2. You can have black coffee, black leaf tea (incl herbal/peppermint if made of only leaves) and you must have at least 2-3 litres of water a day. That can be sparkling but not flavoured. You are allowed tablet sweeteners if you need them (but not powdered).
I think that's pretty much it - ie nothing else!! If your pharmacist is not giving you the advice you need, complain and find another if you can.

Good luck. Once you get into Lipotrim it will be fine and you will enjoy the time away from food, but you must mentally accept all of the rules if it's going to work.
