Re: I'm sooooooooh proud


Hi Everyone

Just thought I'd let you know that I'm sooooooooh proud of myself. I've been away for the last few days with my job and a colleague. We have been staying in this wonderful hotel in Bedford, fabulous food. The company I've been visiting have also laid on beautiful buffets each day for lunch. I have stuck to my LT 100% and not wavered. I am going to give myself a big pat on the back.

I've decided we can do wonderful things if we are truly determined.

Cabbez :)
Well done you thats fab:talk017:
You are rock solid.I confess, was in Holland yesterday and the supplier 'told' me after the meeting he had booked a lunch at a fancy joint, so i bit ma lip and ordered some poached salmon and asked them for some plain lettuce salad - no sauce. Sorry if this makes y'all mouths water!
well done cabbez big pat on the back its very hard when you go away and food an drink is laid on

just wait for your wi wow

all the best
Good for you for being so in control....that's a well deserved pat on the back i'd say! :talk017:

ordered some poached salmon and asked them for some plain lettuce salad - no sauce. Sorry if this makes y'all mouths water!
ERm...yes it does, so stop it off! :D
I really hope you have a big loss this week. You really deserve it after that. Fair play to ya. Wonder would we all have been so strong. So pat pat .......
You are a star!!! I know there are some yummy eateries in Bedford and to resist all is amazing, Well done hun!

Well done hun thats great willpower and determination you have keep it up and you will be forever skinny xx
Blimmey, you are WAY STRONGER than I would of been!! Hotel cooked brekkie and FREE buffet are my real weakness in life!!

No way I could of said no, I would of had to of avoided the place like the plague in the first place!
Wow well done!!! Caz xx

It is harder too isn't it.

I went to visit my parents recently, and stuck to LT whilst there. Nag nag nag is all I had, although mum did say I was looking so much healthier. I said its the diet mum............ the waters made my skin so much better, and I hardly ever get any nasty spots now, and I feel healthier because I get upstairs without puffing and panting anymore.

Still got nagged tho! Parents huh! Doesn't matter how old you get, they still are worriers:sigh: