Re-start (sort of)


Normally when I plan to start a new diet, I pick a date to start by, but whenever that date comes, I always still have goodies to finish so I push the date back. Excuses ? Maybe. So this time, I'm just saying that I WILL START TOMORROW !! My overall goal is to lose 7 stone. I was on Cambridge a few years ago and managed to lose just over 7 stone but, unfortunately, due to my own stupid fault and life 'getting in the way' my weight went back up and I put it all back on again. So, I re-start tomorrow (SS+).. hopefully.

BUT, and this is where I hope you all will still welcome me back onto this board, temporarily, until I run out of the packs that I have left and until I can afford Cambridge again (which I hope will coinside with when I finish my current packs) I will be using SLIMMM packs. When I finish these up I hope to get back to Cambridge.

Anyway, saying all that, Hopefully you will still welcome me on this board, I need some motivation and some encouragement for my start tomorrow, please. I will be looking at continuing on in my diary, which is (or should be) linked below.

Hi there - Hows it going?

Know the feeling and how hard it is to restart. Lost a whopping 9 stone a couple of years ago. Put 7 back on - restarted last year - lost 6 stone then the glorious christmas got in the way started piling the weight back on
and have been trying to start again properly on and off ever since! Keep doing it for 3 to 10 days then fall off and eat everything in sight. Started again on Monday this is day 5 - fingers crossed the buttons clicked and this is the final and successful attempt.