As I looked through this section of minimins I noticed that this Paleo section is very bare and there aren't many recent posts. However I am going to have a diary here anyway. I'm hoping by recording my food it will help keep me accountable. Even if no one reads of replies.
I started the Paleo Diet today and I am currently reading Robb Wolf's book on my kindle. I have never really struggled with food and my weight in the past. Since having my daughter I seem to have piled on the pounds, not through pregnancy but since I've had her. The reason I'm doing Paleo is because I think I have a reaction to something. I've had adult acne a long time now, I've been reading recently and it seems I could have an intolerance to a certain food. Paleo cuts out many allergens so I am hoping thins will improve. I've also just sent off my 'yorktest' so I'm hoping that make answer some questions.
In terms of Paleo I want to follow it the best I can but I am allowing myself 1 coffee each morning. I'm not going to weigh myself for a month. I want it to be about how I feel as well as weight loss. For the first month I want to have a relaxed feel about the diet, and not track everything I eat. If I struggle to lose weight I can start tracking every bite. But for now I will listen to my body and eat when I'm hungry.
I was tempted to do the whole30.....but I think it might stress me out too much lol!!!
So it's very early 7.45am but I'm up 6.30 most days with my daughter. So we have had breakfast. While my husband and toddler sat with their cereals..........
1 X egg cooked in coconut oil
1/2 avocado
Some smoked salmon
Handful of mixed nuts
Coffee (my 1 and only) with a splash of almond milk
I started the Paleo Diet today and I am currently reading Robb Wolf's book on my kindle. I have never really struggled with food and my weight in the past. Since having my daughter I seem to have piled on the pounds, not through pregnancy but since I've had her. The reason I'm doing Paleo is because I think I have a reaction to something. I've had adult acne a long time now, I've been reading recently and it seems I could have an intolerance to a certain food. Paleo cuts out many allergens so I am hoping thins will improve. I've also just sent off my 'yorktest' so I'm hoping that make answer some questions.
In terms of Paleo I want to follow it the best I can but I am allowing myself 1 coffee each morning. I'm not going to weigh myself for a month. I want it to be about how I feel as well as weight loss. For the first month I want to have a relaxed feel about the diet, and not track everything I eat. If I struggle to lose weight I can start tracking every bite. But for now I will listen to my body and eat when I'm hungry.
I was tempted to do the whole30.....but I think it might stress me out too much lol!!!
So it's very early 7.45am but I'm up 6.30 most days with my daughter. So we have had breakfast. While my husband and toddler sat with their cereals..........
1 X egg cooked in coconut oil
1/2 avocado
Some smoked salmon
Handful of mixed nuts
Coffee (my 1 and only) with a splash of almond milk