Sell me Weight Watchers!!


Full Member
Hi everyone,

So in typical style it is a new year and feeling the inevitable pinch in my waist band and the need to drop some weight! Have a very busy year coming up - not least of all my dad's wedding in Canada in the summer so really want to lose at least 1.5stone by then (if not a wee bit more if at all possible).

I little about me - I have toyed with WW and SW in the past, lost weight with both but in the last year have found out I have a wheat intolerance and it has just flipped my usual 'diet' upside down and I cant seem to get my head round losing weight with my new dietary requirements :(

So tell me what you love about WW?!?

I have only just came across your post but for me, I love WW because it means i can eat all my favourite things but in moderation. As long as i point everything then i don't need to say no. The fact there is so much variety means it stays interesting and i don't get bored quickly which is what has happened with other diets in the past. There is also the convenience element in that there are ready meals available which are already pointed as well as snacks. Sometimes i think it seems too easy but it has worked in the past for me so i can only praise it :)