Struggling between lunch and tea


Full Member
Because of the quiet office I work in, I have to have the bar for lunch. This I think sets up hunger pangs (cravings?)
and I really struggle to make it through till I am home and can eat half my supper early... 5.30 0.. and the other half
around 8.30. Always a soup. Anyone any suggestions? I wonder if there is a "quiet" way of making a soup because really only
the stick blender has the desired effect of thickening both the soup and the shakes. I tried shaking them but no, it doesn't work.
I also tried to eat half the bar at lunch and save the rest, but it's quite hard. I am a hungry person up till 6 and then it's all over bar
the shouting!

Any help would be lovely. Thanks!
I think thats a good idea Supersmileyme I bought some of that Bouillon stuff and it was nice to have something that was so strong in flavour.

Mossyfern, I work in an office too (normally 8.30-6.00) and the only way I seem to last is by drinking loads of water, loads of black coffee, green and peppermint tea! Only downside, pee'ing every 5 mins because Ive drunk so much! lol

Good luck :)