Superfree foods


Full Member
Will you still lose weight if not filling your plate up with a 1/3 superfree foods??

I had a baby 15 days ago and I'm running around after my 3 year old as well so I'm finding I've not got the energy to cook. I have been sticking to the plan but have been opting for quick and easy meals.. Pasta n sauce, savoury rices etc

Any help would be appreciated xx
How about buying some bags of salad and the frozen veg like broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, green beans etc which you just steam in microwave. You could just mix it into your pasta and rice so you are still getting your superfree. It doesnt take any longer than cooking the pasta n sauce or savoury rices.

Or if you make up a big salad when you get 5 mins to yourself, perhaps when baby is napping and set your toddler up at the table with some crayons and paper. Keep it in a salad container, it should last 2 days, so you can just serve that alongside as your superfree. Add things like lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, onion, apple etc. Again nice and quick.

I struggled with EE because of the third superfree foods, found that I did ok for a bit but then started with little gains. So I switched to some green days which has realy worked for me.

I started to do what britmum says above and add fresh broccoli to pasta n sauce to get some superfree in.

but thats how the EE works with the 3rd superfree.

I also found green works better because you can have more HEXa/bs, which if you're in a rush means you can have more cereal or a sandwich.

Good luck

Kerry xx
In answer to your question, yes, you will still lose weight by not following the third superfree rule.
SW say they do not insist - however, you will lose a lot quicker by following it.
Some people just can't lose if they don't have the superfree - but I think a big part of it is also choosing superfree when snacking.
Give it a try. If you don't lose, or don't lose as fast as you'd like then you know to increase the superfree, or switch to red and green.
I must admit I have always been a red/green girl but when my losses seemed a lot less than others in group who all follow ee, I did try ee last week, and lost 2 lbs. May be a fluke, dont know, but I will see on Monday as I have stuck to ee again this week. I dont find it easy though, and just love the extra HEs on the other plans.
I think you're being waaaaay to hard on yourself here. Dieting 15 days after having a baby is going to be hard enough on you as it is - i'd say just make sure you're following the basic principles & make sure you're having your healthy extras. That alongside sleepless nights and running around after your 3 year old AND a baby, the weight will be falling off you!!
*hugs* xx
I buy frozen bags of veggies like carrots etc. These can be made quickly while cooking other things like pasta and sauce. I try to get at least some sort of veg in my meals super free or not mainly cos its healthier.
Cheers for the replies, will buy some frozen veg when I next do a shop.

Weigh in is on monday so fingers crossed xx
What I do - as I am not a fan of veg at all (although love salads) - is eat a lot of fruit to make up for the fact that I don't have veg with meals.

I constantly have a punnet of grapes on the go and also snack on pineapple and strawberries. I think I have my 1/3 superfree a day this way, even though they are not on my plate as such.

Good luck and kudos for you starting SW so soon after having your baby - I think I ate dougnuts and drank tea for the first few months!