Teens who feel fat more likely to grow up obese


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Link to a news story: How feeling fat can make you fat: Researchers reveal how teens attitude to their body can influence their weight | Mail Online

This is EXACTLY what happened to me. I'm sure people will declare it bull as it's in the Daily Mail, but generally that's exactly how I felt as a teenager. I wasn't skinny by any means. But was always being told I needed to lose weight and as such felt huge. I don't think it helped that my best friend was ridiculously skinny. I think I was always around a size 12-14, so yes not small but acceptable (and would love to be that now!!). So as my weight crept up it made no difference to how I felt because I'd already been labelled as fat.

Can anyone else relate to this?
Snap!! I was a size 12 bottom as a teen due to wide hips & a size 10 top - miles from fat & looking back I was basically bone lol :)

But I'm 5ft10 & was this height by 15... So not only was I an entire foot taller than my best mate I was a good 7inches taller than all my friends which made me feel bigger anyway! My mates were all petite size 6-8s & I felt massive, plus I couldn't swap clothes with them - I was just "huge" in my eyes :)

So I didn't really notice the weight go on... Or really care, I was bigger in my mind anyway!!

Interesting eh ;)

Charli XxX