water worry ..


How much water is to much?

i have a concern cus i am only used to drinking 1.5-2 litres of water a day, yesterday i drank just under 3 liters now today i have done 2 litres allready and am still thirsty but am worried i might drown myself? heared a story about a woman who drank lots and died... i am getting panicky....

please reasure me..

Dunno if this helps hun but I'm sticking to 4ltrs a day, heard someone say they have 6!
I don't think any damage would be done on 3lts, after all if you were on LL the recommended amount is 4lts. I usually drink 5-5.5lts a day, but i am nearly 6ft. Make sure you pace yourself with it, i find if i sip it it every so often it helps to keep the thirst at bay :)
Too much varies from person to person, I had 4 to 5 ltrs per day and never went above 6ltrs and Im 5ft 4, if I went over 6 ltrs I got leg cramps so knew I'd had enough!!!!

4 ltrs is fine x
I try to have between 4 & 6 a day...

You should drink your water steadily throughout the day and not too much too quick. This is where the problems lie, as the kidneys have to work extra hard.
With what you are drinking there is no need to worry..
I don't have the exact figures to hand (do at home somewhere) but you would have to drink a huge amount of water very quickly to cause problems. I drink at least 4litres of water a day, plus tea, coffee, pop etc. Once you get used to drinking it you do find that you get more thirsty - your body gets used to having the drinks, so 'needs' it more.