Weighing in to often

Does anyone else feel the need to weigh themselves daily. I do because I like to make sure I'm going the right way about things, I use my wii fit board to weigh myself as I like to see my BMI points go down. I am constantly thinking I'm going to fail at loosing weight or am eating too much so it leads me to check the scales every morning.
I do it too!! In fact, i weigh myself twice daily when I'm home (once in the morning and another at night before bedtime). I like to keep tabs on my progress esp when I first started on my Dukan diet... the changes in weight each day keeps me motivated! But now, I've been stagnant for 1-2 weeks and it's getting to me a little. I try to focus on non-scale victories (like seeing my jaw-line or collar bones) to keep me motivated. But I feel that weighing myself is better than not doing it coz that's what got me into trouble in the first place -ignoring my weight and pretending that everything is fine! =(

That said, maybe it's not too healthy to obsess over the weighing scale... I'm trying to wean myself off it.... hard to do so though... haha...

I do it too!! In fact, i weigh myself twice dai
ly when I'm home (once in the morning and another at night before bedtime). I like to keep tabs on my progress esp when I first started on my Dukan diet... the changes in weight each day keeps me motivated! But now, I've been stagnant for 1-2 weeks and it's getting to me a little. I try to focus on non-scale victories (like seeing my jaw-line or collar bones) to keep me motivated. But I feel that weighing myself is better than not doing it coz that's what got me into trouble in the first place -ignoring my weight and pretending that everything is fine! =(

That said, maybe it's not too healthy to obsess over the weighing scale... I'm trying to wean myself off it.... hard to do so though... haha...


Yeah that's exactly the same with me I can go about 2days before I jump back on the scales and it bugs me when I don't loose weight and I end up falling off the wagon but not this time
I try and limit myself to weighing on Fridays, then randomly at the weekend, but yes I can be a serial weigher!

Sometimes I wake up or have days when I feel really fat/big/heavy, and have a need to jump on the scales to see where am actually at; maybe to reassure myself am not as heavy as I think?! Makes me feel better! :eek:

Then there are times I can go through the whole week without even thinking about (let alone jumping on) the scales.....weird! :D
The thing is that i do realised that the body weight will fluctuate from day to day and sometimes its just water weight etc etc but the scales remain an obsession and i do love to see the numbers going down. Saw a lot of people on this forum keeping weekly records of their weight and i did the same too... i recorded down my weight everyday and do a tally at the end of every 5 days to see if there's any difference.

I think if the scales tell me that i've put on some or failed to lose some on a particular day, i'll be more careful the next day... either way, i think its good to keep track, just don't be too bothered by what we see.... haha... easier said than done i guess.. =P

I weigh daily, or every other day to keep on track.
Weighing yourself daily can't hurt. If anything you will just learn your body's usual patterns. If for some reason your gain a ton of weight then that will make it easier for you to identify what you did different.
It's normal for your body weight to go up or down throughout the day. 16 ounces of water weighs 1lb so if you have a salty meal then your body will retain that water weight longer thus giving you the impression that you gained weight.