Why is it SO difficult?


Hello, I'm feeling rather a failure and trying to dredge up the motivation to begin another journey of weight loss. I posted this in the introductions thread but then spotted this forum and though it might be more appropriate to post here.

Knowing I need to lose weight, and feeling like crap in my own body just isn't giving the motivation to actually DO anything about it just think about it, then feel even more guilty that I still haven't made any effort.

Having yoyo dieted all my life and veered between being 3 or 4 stone overweight to brief spells of getting down to what I'd consider an acceptable, healthy and comfortable weight, then up and down and up again. About 5 years ago I finally managed to acheive what I felt was the right weight for me a little higher than what I'd been trying to stick at before but at the upper edge of a healthy BMI and a size I felt I looked pretty good at and felt much fitter and more active at almost 3 stones lighter than usual..

But over the following 4 years I still yoyo'ed but not as much putting back 5 lbs then losing 4 putting on 10 then dieting off 8 but thats eant that gradually I put back a stone, which still left me felling not so bad, then really suddenly and quickly in about 3 months I've lost all control and ballooned a further 20lbs! So now I am almost back to where I was 5 years ago and I just keep thinking I can't do it all over again, every time it gets harder and harder to shift any weight and at the back of my mind is the thought that once its off I won't be able to keep it off for long. 2016 is the year I will hit 60 which kind of terrifies me but I really don't want to be 60 and obese.

I am intending to go back to slimming world this week as having a goup to attend helped me before but I intended to start last week and managed to find excuses as to why I couldn't go and talked myself out of it.

I know that once I begin to lose weight I'll feel so much better in myself, healthwise as well as in confidence and motivation, but if anyone can think of anything to say that might help get me motivated enough to actually make an effort - NOW and not next week, month or year, I'd so appreciate it. so much.
It might seem like a lot to you, but you haven't got that much to lose! I'm just embarking on the journey to being 5 stone lighter. I've done it before, I lost 7 stone 15 years ago and in the last 5 years I let it creep back on. I'd say for me its all about my lifestyle. I was active for the 10 years I maintained at a size 8-10, and inactive the whole time I was struggling and gaining.

Do you do any exercise at the moment? I'm starting off by just walking as much as I can. If you look at how many calories you can burn just walking, it gives any diet a real boost, and buffers slip ups!!

You absolutely can lose the weight, and now, just choose to do it, and don't lose heart if you have a bad day, get back on it as soon as you catch yourself!

Good luck :)
Hiya mine is the same story as you really, always struggled with weight and tried so many different kind of diets.
i done the lipotrim after having my daughter as i am 5ft2 and got to just over 16 stone, i then lost around 5 stone and got to around 10.11 and have put back on and I'm currently at 13.8. and just started the lipotrim again for around 12 weeks.
i just wanted to say that its the little things you can do to change like portion control and the way you think about food, such as if you want a chocolate or something sweet, go for a chocolate yoghurt over fruit etc i found that when i made these changes i lost some weight before.
You could actually aim for your 60th and say if you get there then go away for the weekend, or a lovely meal out where you can wear a lovely dress and have your hair and nails done and really feel good about yourself.
maybe that will motivate you to sort it out for your 60th :)

Roxie xx
Hiya mine is the same story as you really, always struggled with weight and tried so many different kind of diets.
i done the lipotrim after having my daughter as i am 5ft2 and got to just over 16 stone, i then lost around 5 stone and got to around 10.11 and have put back on and I'm currently at 13.8. and just started the lipotrim again for around 12 weeks.
i just wanted to say that its the little things you can do to change like portion control and the way you think about food, such as if you want a chocolate or something sweet, go for a chocolate yoghurt over fruit etc i found that when i made these changes i lost some weight before.
You could actually aim for your 60th and say if you get there then go away for the weekend, or a lovely meal out where you can wear a lovely dress and have your hair and nails done and really feel good about yourself.
maybe that will motivate you to sort it out for your 60th :)

Roxie xx
Great ideas there Roxie, I've made a good start - 3.5lbs this week :)
thats so good well done :) I'm glad you lost well, hopefully that will make you feel more motivated for next weeks weigh in,
maybe this week try and do something different to this week, like a walk around the block or even doing like some walks up the stairs and back down to get more calories burnt, or doing something a little more than last week so you know that you will lose a little more, and keep building like that :) just an idea xx
wow well done on jumping back on the wagon. How has it been going?