Woke up feeling slimmer!! LOL


Full Member
I have resisted the urge to weigh myself cos that can have a negative effect on me! But I feel....slimmer today! All good, maybe that nasty soy sauce water retention has gone now!
Unfortunatly I was up half the night with tooth ache. I have to have root canal work done, but it will be in 2 weeks when I come back from my holiday. So the dentist has given me some anti- biotics and painkillers but they wear off and by 4am im in agony again!! Funny thing is...my dentists' office is next to my work. So I went in and he examined me, asked me how long had been in pain. And he said, well you can tell you havent been eating cos you have lost weight!! Hehe! A small victory in the dentist chair! But didnt tell him that yes i had been eating and that before meals I was taking 2 paracetomols!!! Also a guy serving me in my local supermarket commented yesterday! Shame my husband or employees have yet to say something nice...
Well done on your loss nearly a stone you must feel great
Not so great about the dentist
If your husband is antthing like mine he dosent really say much to me because ive been here so many times but he always asked how ive done
You know your doing something and loseing weight thats what counts
Well done on your loss i can remember the time i woke up and felt slimmer:D its a great feeling.

I know some men are scared when disscussing weight. my husband calls it unchartered territory worried i'l bite hes head off lol:D