
Full Member
The time has come. Over the last two years, I have gone from 170lbs to today's weight of 248.4lbs. ENOUGH! With God (or G-d/Shiva/Poseidon/the Flying Spaghetti Monster) as my witness, I shall embark on an epic quest to regain my health.


  • Weight: 248.4lbs
  • Height: 5ft11.5in
  • Body fat: 29%
  • BMI: 34.2
  • Arm: 18.5in
  • Chest: 47.5in
  • Waist: 44in
  • Hip 46in
  • Thigh 28.5in

Now, I am well aware of the empirically-supported strategies towards weight loss, habit change, etc. For instance: Start small. Focus on one habit at a time. Allow for imperfection. Seek balance. Lose weight slowly. And so on and so forth.

And yet the last eight months have seen me attempt these well-subscribed strategies to no avail. Each month I am dragged further downward into the pit of experiential hell by the habits of my body and mind.


From now on, I will act under the assumption that I am an outlier with respect to these scientific strategies of achieving health. I will lose weight, eat healthily, and become fit in an epic manner.

Those around me will question my strict (albeit healthy) diet. They will question my two-a-day workouts. They will question my overall coordinates in life.

And to them I shall say: YOU CAN GO STRAIGHT TO HEALTH!

"Those who think they can and those who think they can't are both usually right."

I look very forward to meeting my fellow earthlings who seek to better themselves. May the force (of gravity) be with you (to an ever lessening extent)!.

I ran around the block today. It hurt like a mofo. Seems like an eternity that I was training for a marathon...
Followed it up with 25 minutes on the stationary bike.


Weight: 245lbs (ever since I've gotten this heavy, my weight fluctuates SO much more than it used to!)
(Food) Abstinence: 4 hours
WEIGHT: 244.2lbs. Yahtzee baby. Yesterday I did 45 minutes on the stationary bike followed by a long walk. Ate some core nutrition in the morning, but ate poorly during my going-away party. Still chalking it up as a win.

Hm...having trouble inserting my "Before" image on here. One day I'll figure it out.

Let's GO.
Hey there Seth, how's it going? Did I get this right - you are cutting down calories, exercise and eat healthy foods? Sounds like a good plan to me...
You might not be able to upload photos until you write more posts.
Hey Kat,

Yes, I'm not following a particular diet or system (at least, not yet). I'm REALLY trying to eliminate the disaster days, i.e. multiple fast food stops and (minor) binges.

Ah, I guess I shall have to post more!
Update: I am failing! My mind has played myself into a trick, where my "start date" exists in a couple of days. There lies my next "tomorrow."

Damn you, brain!
Starting a new program this Wednesday, December 9th. It'll be an expensive, but hopefully effective one, complete with personal training and at-home strategies. I'll give more deets as I get closer to the date.