losing motivation HELP


Hey there,
I started ww back in november and in the 14 weeks iver been there ive lost 19lbs, but i've completly lost my motivation :( i'm off to boston for the summer and i NEED to be my goal weight which is another 30lbs, what can i do to help me get all motivated again?? i use to be very good i still track but now i've learned to cut out some stuff so i can have snacks! the last 2 weeks i've been very bad but managed to stay at the same weight i just need a massive kick to remotivate me to get to my goal before may 25th! has anyone any tips???? PLEASE:sigh:

tips on low meals for college during the day and for dinner and for managable low fat snacks aswel
do you keep a food diary? perhaps start one of those and get people to look at what you are eating.
if you snack a lot, writing it all down may make you reconsider your choices! :D

You can do it! xxx
How about taking one day at a time. Do one 100% day and then another. Keep a picture of your holiday destination as your screen saver on computer and phone so you are constantly seeing it and on your fridge. Look at peoples food diaries on here for inspiration. Pink and white wafers are low sweet snacks. Good luck
I have a picture of a 'thinner' me on the fridge so I see it as soon as I walk in the kitchen - works wonders for me if I feel like having a blow out keeps me focused.

Also keeping the food diary as mentioned above.

Chicken breast wraps with salad for lunch, pasta pots made the night before, 0pp soups are really good then you can ave some crusty bread so it feels like a big lunch? Hope these help! Keep going 19lbs is fab xxx
My motivation is seeing the weight I've already lost. Why would I want to undo that hard work? You have done a.m.a.z.i.n.g for losing 19lbs! I am sure you're body has changed alot so maybe dig out some ''fat'' pics to remind you of where you don't want to go back to! Also, maybe buy yourself a dress/trousers for the summer, that are a bit too small for you, in order to get you motivated to work hard to fit into them? (be careful not to lose too much that they're too big lol). Also, it will show you not to rely so much on what the scales say but rather how you feel within yourself and clothes :)

30lbs is a big goal. Try setting yourself smaller ones. 7lbs. Getting into a certain stones (12s, 11s, 10s etc). Work out your 5% and 10% (if you're not going to class, someone could work these out for you).

I'd recommend you to plan meals/lunches ahead. To stop you from snacking or grabbing high-pp foods on the go. I have a food diary (link in my sig) if you want to look at it and there are plenty of others on her to give you great ideas.

Tbh I also snack way too much but the weight still comes off me. See if our food diaries match up? Cos I think snacking is fine as long as you're within your weeklies (this is assuming you go over your dailies) and you are still have well rounded meals of meat, carbs, fibre, fruit and veg....

Best of luck,