10 Week Challenge!


Full Member
Hello everyone :) another serial dieter here! Giving 5:2 a go from tomorrow as am finding too hard to stick to doing the same thing every day.

I tried to do this before and didn't make it through my first fast so hoping to be more successful this time!

I've got 10 weeks to go before I go on holiday to America and would like to lose 7-10 pounds by then and get back into size 10 skinny jeans!

Also need to beat my problems with binge eating and obsessive dieting :sigh:

So as well as being strict on my fast days my goals will be to make mainly healthy choices on my 'normal' days, avoid bingeing and roughly stick to my TDEE of 1700 calories though I won't be counting them properly for now.

Plan for tomorrow:
Herbalife shake
WW tomato soup and alpen bar
Small tin spaghetti hoops

Total 501 calories

Wish me luck!:cool:
First fast day almost over and I've dug out the cookery books I've never allowed myself to use because I have been on a diet for at least 10 years. This is the first time I'll be able to eat normally guilt-free, which is pretty amazing.

Having said that I'm not going to go mad and am going to plan my meals in advance.

Pretty hungry, looking forward to bed time though it's not been too bad so far...
Have enjoyed my food today and kept a rough track to make sure I don't go over 1700.

2 hours of stinky revision to do tonight :'-(
Well done! Why is the weight on your app different to your actual weight? are you sticking with set days for fast days or just going with the flow?
Well done! Why is the weight on your app different to your actual weight? are you sticking with set days for fast days or just going with the flow?

I think it takes an average so that you don't get upset with fluctuations - someone on 5:2 recommended it so thought I'd give it a go as I'm an obsessive weigher...

I will fit the fast days around my social life but it will be usually Mondays and Thursdays as I tend to see my bf on Wednesdays and the weekends. He doesn't know I have started this and I may not even tell him, he is sick of my diets and the last one only lasted a week! What fast days are you doing?

Just watched the documentary and it has given me more motivation to carry on :)
Caught a cold but dosed up on painkillers and ready for my second fast today.

Planning on getting through the workday on a slim a soup and an options hot Choc and coming home to a fishcake and maybe a few beans...

Had lovely indulgent 3 course meal last night made by the bf, I nearly told him about 5:2 last night but I resisted!
This was last nights pudding - amaretto and pecan semifreddo, you'd think it was from a restaurant! And there's about 4 more portions in the freezer! Thanks god for 5:2 :)


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Someone brought biccies in today and I nearly sacrificed my beans for one but thank god I resisted! Got through on one slim a soup, one hot chocolate and a beechams hot drink. Bit lightheaded but not hungry. Was a lot easier than fast number 1. Let's hope they carry on getting easier!
Fasted weight 10 stone 4.2 so up from last time...but my true weight on the app is down to 10 stone 5.1 so 0.7 pounds lost so far...can live with that :)

Lots of exam cram to do tonight before my resit tomorrow :'-(
Scoffed a sharing bag of minstrels and too many biccies today...tried to limit damage by going for an hours power walk burning 320 cals and will be doing a fair bit of walking tomorrow...albeit round the shops ;-)

Felt really Ill by the end of yesterday's fast so think I had a treat day to make up for it...but tomorrow I will make healthy choices :) booked in for a hair appointment tomorrow after my exam and doing my nails tonight so I feel better about myself. Wish it wasn't so hot but cest la vie!
Got hardly any sleep :'-( really loud birds outside my house who are up at 5 and I need the window open...hope they migrate soon!

Exam is at 10 til 12.30, planning a healthy lunch at EAT ( my fave place) and gonna look in the sports shop for a skipping rope cos it looks fun and I read I could burn 165 cals for 15 mins. Ready to get back into exercise after this exams done and if the weather cools down cos I felt much better after my walk yesterday and enjoyed it :)

Nervous about my hair cut too!!
Lol ive never heard of eat before, is it a cafe type thing ?

Skipping is intense, would be impressed if you kept it going for 15mins! I used to skip for a minute then have a 1min 30sec rest and do it again. Head spinning after it! There isno way I could do that now! After my c section only healed 4 weeks ago I dont think skipping is ideal :)

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Lol ive never heard of eat before, is it a cafe type thing ? Skipping is intense, would be impressed if you kept it going for 15mins! I used to skip for a minute then have a 1min 30sec rest and do it again. Head spinning after it! There isno way I could do that now! After my c section only healed 4 weeks ago I dont think skipping is ideal :) Sent from my GT-I8190N using MiniMins.com mobile app

Oh dear no step away from the skipping rope!

Exam went really well so I'm so pleased, couldn't be bothered getting hair cut so I didn't :) treated myself to a little cheapy dress and a top and leggings from forever 21. Tried a few fitted ones on in a medium and they were too big :)

Drunk too much celebratory cava last night oh dear. I must tell the bf to banish the wine and I'll get back into drinking vodka like and soda again.

Eat is just like pret a manger but more choice and a bit more healthy though I ended up having a spicy chicken panini nom nom.
Did my signature Thai beef curry tonight, not the healthiest of meals!
Starting the new week with a new attitude and making more healthy choices. Will get back into exercise now too as that always helps.
Considering counting calories on most of my up days too with maybe one uncounted cheat meal type thing a week. Definitely no wine from now on!!
Ugh I could cry, it's been a week since I started and I've put a pound ON!

The curry last night was quite salty so maybe that has had an effect.

This is probably the kick up the bum I needed though so that I don't go overboard on my days off.

Think I need to start counting calories on my normal days and just have one day a week where I have a treat meal.

Thank god I downloaded the true weight app cos that says I'm down 0.3 pounds overall. Still not good enough though! My holiday is in 9 weeks on Friday, I need to up my game and change my attitude!

My TDEE is 1700 calories and I'm going to try and stick to 1500 in the week and 500 on fast days. Will also try and stop eating so much junk!

Why is dieting sooo hard?!