100 day challenge


Full Member
Hey all. Ive been reading around the site and ive noticed that us wwers dont really have any challenges. I find having a challenge really makes me focus so from monday im going to start a 100 day challenge of being on track. Obviously events will happen which I will update on a spreadsheet that will be created tomorrow. Im also hoping we can set some mini challenges during tbe time to keep things fresh.

If anyone would like to join in let me know. 100 days should take us upto the 2nd week of august which is just in time for the majority of us to go on our summer holidays. I'll add some more information tomorrow.

The outline to join is simple

Amount pledged:
WI day:

Just copy this and I can get a little spreadsheet set up and we can work towards being fit for life and sexy for summer!!!
Yay hi welshsparkle!!

Im going to get ny backside into gear and create a spreadsheet soon.

Keep thinking of a few mini challenges that hopefully will give us a boost. One will be at the end of may defo which is drinking just water for 2 weeks. Its a charity challenge for rnli and will give us an amazing detox too :)
Mini challenges sound like a great idea! :) I never drink enough water!

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Haha same im a diet coke junky
Spreadsheet created. Its all official now haha. Hope you dont mind welshsparkle i added your current weight from your stats. Just let me know if your not happy and ill delete it/ amend it xx


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Add away :) Spreadsheet looks fab :) Thanks for taking the time to do it :)

Good luck for wi today xx

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Thank you. I sts this week but very happy with that after the lack of exercise ive done x
So im going to set a mini challenge for the first week.

Can you make at least one meal with a value of 0 pp thats still very tasty and filling.

Im thinking soups, salads and maybe curry if your creative. See what you can come up with :)
Good challenge! I'm making some zero point soup today! Butternut squash, carrot and red onion :)

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Oooh sounds lovely. I love butternut squash ill have to give it a try x
I normally have sweet potato but butternut being 0 pp means ill be having plenty of it from now on :)
So todays the day!!!!

100 days on plan from today. My moms going to join in from home aswell.

I anyone else wants to join its not too late. Just let us know and we'll help each other through!!! X
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That's lovely your Mum is joining too! Good luck to us all for day one! :D

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That's lovely your Mum is joining too! Good luck to us all for day one! :D

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Good luck sweety!!! I havent planned food today but being very good winging it haha
So todays the day!!!!

100 days on plan from today. My moms going to join in from home aswell.

I anyone else wants to join its not too late. Just let us know and we'll help each other through!!! X

I would like to give this a go:)

Name: Mini
Amount pledged: 28lb
WI day: Monday evening
Hi mini welcome :)

Ill add you to the spreadsheet when i get on my computer. When would you like to start?
Ive added you to the sheet mini. Just let me know your start date and ill update everything :)


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