3st down - pics


Yummy Mummy in the making
Hopefully these pics will help motivate others to keep going on S&S. I started the diet 11 weeks ago and I have lost 3 stone. I wouldn't have been able to lose that weight if it wasn't for this diet, willpower and all the lovely people on this forum who have supported me over the last 3 months. I know I can keep going to get the last 2 stone off as long as I have all of you. Here are pics from when I started (before pic is 14st 7lbs) and pic from today (11st 9lbs).


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  • 3stdown.jpg
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Wow !! Just what I need to see to keep me going x fantastic loss going to find ur diary now to subscribe x
Wow only just seen this! Amazing! I love love seeing your transformation. Big well done and keep it up!

M x

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Thank you, it's a great feeling knowing I'm over half way to my goal xx
Amazing Jewel well done. To see it like that is fantastic!! Very very visible. You should be so pleased with yourself! I, for one, am very proud of you! :)
Clap clap clap Xx
Amazing! Thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you very much xx
Thank you Kat, hope your day gets better xx
Thank you HM x
Wow! Wow wow wow! Such a transformation! I am also so proud of you :)
Thank you Claire xx
Very motivational..thanks for sharing :)
Thank you xx
Amazing thank you for sharing, you have done so well.
Wow, amazing! I will look for your diary, great thinspiration for me as we are the same height and start weight! x