5.5 stone less of Missy!


Big Bird
In the 2010 side I was 20st 9lbs (a year later I lost a stone by myself with a little help from WW and kept most of it off by the time I started SW in April 2012 at 19st 6lbs).

2012 side was taken last week - now 15st 11lbs so that's 3st 9lbs gone since I started SW.

I have 8st 6lbs to lose in total so 4st 11lbs left to target! Will post a piccie every time I hit a milestone that I'm happy with.

I'm losing weight for fertility treatment so this is the most important thing I'll ever do. It gets me down sometimes and I get days when I resent that I have to do all of this when most people can just have babies but it is what it is and I have to accept that. This forum is a huge part in keeping me sane and motivated through those bad days and I love it so much. Thank you to the awesome people I have met on here! <3

There's more to come...

Edit - added a new before and after at 4st 11lbs lost. I have also revised my target weight which is now 11st 11lbs. This purely just to motivate me get under BMI 30, once I get there I will be lowering it again! x


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Aw, thank you ladies x

You never know, the weight loss itself might just do the trick, even without the treatment! Here's hoping anyway...
You're doing so well! Well done! Keep up the good work your doing amazingly :D
Looking great, keep it up. I know how desperate you feel right now but just think what's at the end of the journey! I tried for ages for our little fella and I think if I had been brave & tackled my weight problem we wouldn't have had to wait as long. Good for you!
Well done babe, looking good :)
You look great - what a difference so far! Good luck for the rest of your weight loss journey!
Wow missy what a difference! You look fab and I love that I now have a face to put to the name :) xx
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Thanks everyone for your lovely comments! I am now at 3st 13.5lbs down - argh! 4 stone award next week, surely!

I know what you mean Nelly and it was ace to see your holiday pics for the same reason! xxx