Anyone into Tattoos,Piercings & Body Modification?

Hi all,

Hope I don`t scare you all away :rolleyes: :8855:

I just wondered if anyone was into tattoos,piercings or body modification?

Currently, I have 4 tattoos, But will be getting more as and when I have the ££££ ;) I also have snakebite piercing tho I have in the past had my labret,tongue,nose and ears pierced. (Labret closed up at work and swallowed 6 tongue bars so took the hint to give up :8855:)

I would LOVE to have some Vampire veneers and am seriously thinking about it but I think it will cost a lot :(

I also love some forms of body modification but don`t think I am brave enough to have any done!

So, Am I the only weirdo out there? :sigh: :D
4 views and no replies - Guess that`s a no then :jelous:
…………..tattoos are fine. When I see very elaborate tattoos on show I just wonder how folk will feel when they are old and grey.
Now when it comes to body modification I’d have to say each to their own!!! I would have to be sure it wouldn’t affect me having any emergency treatment and that it will still look good as I age. Also don’t lots of these things like silicone implants need replacing after several years??
If you want vampire veneers go for it – life is too short…your money, your life AND you can get them taken them off if you ever change your mind!!

I’ve been planning to have a tattoo on my wrist (so I can hide it with my watch if needs be…..I’m such a chicken!!) the only thing holding me back is what to have….a band of flowers is the favourite at the moment.

And no I wouldn’t say that you were weird just expressive!!!

Aislinn x
I love corset piercings.. i think they're so hot..!! i've had some piercings.. let them close up for now.. might get them repierced at some point.. have one tattoo on my wrist.. but would love more at some point..
x x
Hey Aislinn x

Tbh I haven`t really thought about what mine will look like when I am older but the ones I have so far aren`t very big and not too noticable.

I have my youngest daughters name in Kanji (as her name is Japanese) on the inside of my right arm, "Star" in Kanji on the inside of my left arm to represent my eldest son. A REALLY naff one that I regret on the top left arm ( was my 1st and they couldn`t do what I wanted and I had been ribbed I would bottle it so just got anything :sigh: ) I hope to get it covered just as soon as I find something suitable. I also have a small one on the top of my left wrist - Like you, Figured I could cover it with a watch if needed ;) I am rubbish at description, But it is a sort of sun in purple with black tips and a wavy line of purple dots either side.

I wouldn`t have anything like implants, I think I mostly admire modification, But wouldn`t actually do it. Apart from the Vamp veneers ;) Am deffo up for that!! I will give it some more serious thought :D

Good luck in deciding what tattoo you would like. It is with you for life, So you need to be sure

LiSe Xxxx
I love corset piercings.. i think they're so hot..!! i've had some piercings.. let them close up for now.. might get them repierced at some point.. have one tattoo on my wrist.. but would love more at some point..
x x

I love them too! And totally agree that they are HOT :drool:
But I would never be brave enough to have it done.

IF I manage to lose all my weight, I will probably get some butterflies up my side/back in a swirling design :D

What tattoo do you have on your wrist?

I am trying to decide what to get done next, I am thinking a gothic Tinkerbell either on my right shoulder or top of my left arm if it is suitable to cover my naffy one lol

LiSe Xxxx
I love them too! And totally agree that they are HOT :drool:
But I would never be brave enough to have it done.

IF I manage to lose all my weight, I will probably get some butterflies up my side/back in a swirling design :D

What tattoo do you have on your wrist?

I am trying to decide what to get done next, I am thinking a gothic Tinkerbell either on my right shoulder or top of my left arm if it is suitable to cover my naffy one lol

LiSe Xxxx

I have my nanas name "Evelyn" twas my first one for my 20th birthday.. had always wanted tattoos.. and previous to that i had both my nipples pierced (sorry mam)..
I know that anymore tattoos i have are going to be in black, cos i love black tattoos.. and esp cos colour fades quite drastically over the years..
Gothic tinkerbell would look immense..!! i love gothic images..

btw. no IF about losing weight.. you can TOTALLY do it..!!
Hi LiSe,

I have my ears pierced twice, my eyebrow pierced (which i love!) i did have my nipple pierced but kept knocking it.... sooo painful that i gave up and took it out .... i know i'm a wuss!! lol

I don't have any tattoos but have been researching for a while now to find one that i could love for life.... still looking :sigh:

Jax x
At different stages I've had 5 earrings in each ear, nose, eyebrow, tongue (now 3rd time lucky lol), lip, navel, Madonna (twice). I can't wear earrings now at all.:cry: Latest tongue piercing has stayed in 4 years now. All the rest fell/grew out. Latest Madonna closed up when I lost the microscopic gem of the bar I was trying to change over to, I hate how fiddly they are lol.

My first tat when I was 20 was badly done and the other is too big. Right upper arm is heart with a scroll in memory of my baby brother and left upper arm is a green dragon sitting on a sun. It was well done but has faded so much in the 8 yrs since it was done.

Next ones I'd like is a mermaid and marilyn monroe. maybe one on lower back and one upper thigh. Or maybe my foot.

What is a snakebite and corset piercings? :confused:
I have 8 tattoos at the moment, number 9 will be added in July. Who cares what they look like when I am older? They will be a sign that I lived when I was younger! Some people sadly don't even reach the old and wrinkly stage so I say go for it, live your life how you want while you have it!
OMG I forgot about this thread :rolleyes:

I am hoping to get some more tattoos tomorrow :D

I am going to get Tinkerbell on my shoulder - Not the disne version though, More a faerie type Tink if that makes sense?

I am going to get Love in the shape of a heart to represent my son, And my eldest daughter is drawing a bunny for me which I will get to represent her as her name means Hare of the meadow and her nickname is Bunnie :D They will go on my ankles :)

I am also going to get some puncture wounds (like vampire bites) and haven`t decided yet where to get them. I think neck is too obvious for if I decide to get a job in the future, So I`ll prob get them on my collar bone :D - Yes, I know I am a weirdo :p

Lyn, Snakebites are 2 peircings on your bottom lip each side so it looks a bit like snake fangs coming down would.

Corset piercing is where rings are inserted down your back and ribbon threaded through them so it looks like the back of a corset :)

Taz I also agree with you, I want to live my life while I am young enough to enjoy it. I can worry about what I look like when I`m old IF I get that far!!

LiSe Xx
Oh aye I remember seeing corset piercing on a tv prog. There was a guy on snog marry avoid with a snakebite piercing. Never knew til last year you can get your uvula (which is spelt a lot like another body part we won't mention ;)) pierced. You'd only see if if the person was screaming, or at the dentist's...or both lol.
Ive got 2 tattoos, soon to be three, nipple pierced, nose was many yrs ago!!

Cant wait for my 3rd Tattoo, a tribute to my dad who died 6 months ago, (although he would turn in his grave, if he had one!)

Not in to piercings as much I have to say, but love love tattoos
any advice on finding a tattoo artist? I would love a tattoo but was put off when I saw some really crap ones on the internet, what should I look for/ask before I get one?
1. Make sure they are licensed to begin with
2. Make sure their studio looks clean
3. Ask to look at some of their work
4. A good tattooist will take the time to sit down with you and plan your disign and more often than not come up with something amazing
5. to give you some ideas, or have a look online for tattoo magazines where you see them on people not just an image
6. Take your time to decide what you really want and think about where you want it - no point in getting it in a visible place if you have some high flying job
7. On the day of getting your tattoo take a couple of paracetamols before you go.
8. After care of your tattoo - follow your tattooists instructions to the letter.
hello. i am also a fan of tattoos and piercings, body mods- not too much, but i don't discriminate:) for a few year now i wanted a phoenix tattoo on my back, but am a real wuss and am worried about my career later on, as the tattoo would be pretty big... i wanted a koi somewhere on me as well.
re: piercings, i have a tongue piercing, 6 ear piercings, but only use two most of the time, used to have a nose ring and a sternum piercing (between the boobs- loved it but hurt too much and in the end got infected;( )


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1. Make sure they are licensed to begin with
2. Make sure their studio looks clean
3. Ask to look at some of their work
4. A good tattooist will take the time to sit down with you and plan your disign and more often than not come up with something amazing
5. to give you some ideas, or have a look online for tattoo magazines where you see them on people not just an image
6. Take your time to decide what you really want and think about where you want it - no point in getting it in a visible place if you have some high flying job
7. On the day of getting your tattoo take a couple of paracetamols before you go.
8. After care of your tattoo - follow your tattooists instructions to the letter.
I have all of mine done at the same place, some of mine she has designed especially for me. She doesn't take walk-in's and you have to book and tell her what you want in advance so she KNOWS that the permanent feature she is adding is something that has been thought through properly and not just a whim. If she thinks a design would look crap when done she will tell the person that. She doesn't believe in bad practice. I would never go anywhere else for mine even though it is 200 miles away!

As for the paracetamol, I have never taken any for a tat, I never bleed with mine either. Everyone is different
i have had 9 piercings at different times but only got the one in tragus left due to diff reasons.

i have 7 tatts at the moment but would like another one not sure what yet tho so need to make a decision on that first lol
I'm going for my second hopefully on Sat.. Got to go and book it later...Last one I had was colour but this time I am going for a black and grey lotus flower on the back of my neck.

I have to say I am a great believer in research!
I love tattoos but am such a chicken I only have 2 small ones.

I have a tiny black rose on my shoulder - had that done when my grandad died.

I also have my wedding ring tattood in pink. That one bloody hurt! It also took ages. I thought it would be a quick 3-min job as it's only tiny but it wasn't.