At goal & now beyond... 5:2 officially rocks!


5:2 lover
After losing 7st 6lbs cal counting I'm struggling to keep it off & am currently a stone higher than my lowest & just can't get back down to my lowest weight. I've decided to try 5:2 to shift this stone. My mum has been very successful in her 70s to lose a stone she's been trying to shift for years & looks amazing so I'm gonna try & follow her lead.

I'm going to fast Mondays & Wednesdays. Did try briefly this time last year but hubby says I was horrible to live with but I'm at work Monday til 8pm & he works away Wednesday night.

My fast days will be 500cals & my non fast days will be around 1500, tdee is over 1900 but I daren't eat that many.

So onwards & downwards
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Day One food diary

1130 - Bovril 10 cals

1330 - Tesco continental salad 80 cals

1600 - can ww tomato soup 76 cals

1800 - Nume Cumberland pie 297 cals

2030 - Bovril 10 cals (may not need)

How does that look????
After losing 7st 6lbs cal counting I'm struggling to keep it off & am currently a stone higher than my lowest & just can't get back down to my lowest weight. I've decided to try 5:2 to shift this stone. My mum has been very successful in her 70s to lose a stone she's been trying to shift for years & looks amazing so I'm gonna try & follow her lead.

I'm going to fast Mondays & Wednesdays. Did try briefly this time last year but hubby says I was horrible to live with but I'm at work Monday til 8pm & he works away Wednesday night.

My fast days will be 500cals & my non fast days will be around 1500, tdee is over 1900 but I daren't eat that many.

So onwards & downwards

WOW over 7stone is amazing :-D
You should find this a doddle. Good luck x
First non fast day & I aimed for 1500, went over very slightly but I have been hungry. I just worked out my daily allowance the way KB recommended & my up days should be 1480 so I was about right. I got on the scales this morning (I know but I'm a serial weigher I've weighed just about every day for about two & a half years) & it showed me being 2lb down which I'm sure won't still be there tomorrow but official weigh in is Thursday after my second down day. Was chatting to my mum today who has been 5:2ing about a year (she got to goal then did one fast a week to keep it off) & she said how this is the only diet where she's felt in control & at 72 & lots of diets that's a positive sign for me to think this can work because the thought of having to eat 1200 cals a day for the rest of my life to stay at target weight is so depressing!

So fast day 2 tomorrow which may be harder as I have a day off but have plenty of housework to do to keep me busy!!!!
Woohoo scales this morning 12:3:2 which has made me realise I can fast today even though I'm home alone. That's over 4lb lost although I'd gained 6lb in 10 days & it always comes off quickly if I gained it quickly
Haven't eaten yet today so it's 18 hours since my last food. I'm going to try & hold out until 2 then have my soup
Found you :) cant hide from me lol. Hope your dd is still going well. X Sent from my GT-I8190 using mobile app
Mwah x Dd going fine I'm hungry but not starving although realised taking a friend to the cash & carry was a step too far, nearly skidded on my dribble lol! Food for today 1300 - tin ww chicken potato & leek soup - 97 cals 1615 - 250g grilled mushrooms - 40 cals 1800 - 2 coley portions, cauli, broccoli, carrot & 6 sprouts - 276 cals So a very low day at 413 cals so may have something to nibble on about 8ish if I'm hungry.

Just realised I haven't had a headache today, Mondays was shocking!
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Official weigh is 5.6lbs down I'm very happy & even better it's an up day so I can have breakfast lol


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Fab loss hun. Enjoy that bacon butty. Sent from my GT-I8190 using mobile app

Oh believe me I did, I think what I did could be described as inhaling it not eating it. Rest of day all planned with my soup & a pitta bread for lunch & spag bol for tea.
Had a good up day, as planned but with the addition of a bag of snackajacks when on my way home from the shops after work, I got the munchies. Am out for a meal with a friend tomorrow lunchtime so may have an up up day tomorrow & may have my tdee & am even considering a fast on Saturday depending on what the hubby & son want to do when I finish work at 115. Maybe sounds daft but I'm scared of 4 up days before I have another down. Wish I wasn't out tomorrow to be honest but where we are going there's no way I can fast
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Have decided to do a dd on Saturday too if I can so it's gonna be a 4:3 week this week but my weigh in will still be Thursday next week as will fast Monday & Wednesday
Wow you've lost so much already! Well done x

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Wow you've lost so much already! Well done x Sent from my GT-N7000 using mobile app

Thanks I've yoyo'd a stone since I got to my lowest in Dec 2012 but most of it's stayed off. I just want to get back to 11:7 then maintain by 5:2 or maybe 6:1 if I'm lucky!
Thanks I've yoyo'd a stone since I got to my lowest in Dec 2012 but most of it's stayed off. I just want to get back to 11:7 then maintain by 5:2 or maybe 6:1 if I'm lucky!

Ive yoyo'd too. I lost 4stone.gained 3 I wasn't as lucky as you but even luck couldn't help me with the way I ate! Lol I got lots of back handed compliments when I lost my weight. Like "you look good.but you are eating arnt you" or "looking amazing but anymore and you'll have a lollipop head" and it totally sent me into a downward spiral.but then after id gained all the weight a few of them lost more weight than I had.and looked a lot smaller than I ever only got to 10st11.I was no way this time around all the jealous comments are going in one ear and str8 out the other!
Sorry for rambling! Lol
Do you have a goal date? Mines august xx

Sent from my GT-N7000 using mobile app
Ive yoyo'd too. I lost 4stone.gained 3 I wasn't as lucky as you but even luck couldn't help me with the way I ate! Lol I got lots of back handed compliments when I lost my weight. Like "you look good.but you are eating arnt you" or "looking amazing but anymore and you'll have a lollipop head" and it totally sent me into a downward spiral.but then after id gained all the weight a few of them lost more weight than I had.and looked a lot smaller than I ever only got to 10st11.I was no way this time around all the jealous comments are going in one ear and str8 out the other! Sorry for rambling! Lol Do you have a goal date? Mines august xx Sent from my GT-N7000 using mobile app

I had people at work tell me I'd lost too much, I was still a size 16 they were just used to the size 26 me! I also had people tell me I thought I was something special which I didn't at all but yes I was proud of my achievements & that is why I never let my gain spiral as they would have loved that!!!!! I want to get back to 11:7 for my holiday at the end of May & then I will continue to 5:2 to see if I can get a bit lower but if not it's not the end of the world cos I have a wardrobe full of beautiful clothes which say 11:7 is fine ;)