Back on it!

Weigh in Wednesday, week 4 and I've lost 3lbs so 19lbs in total, people have started to notice now too which is an added incentive. Hope everyone is doing ok.
Well done guys! I start in the morning ! cant wait tbh get the first few days out the way
I forgot to post my week 4 weigh in, I lost 3lb. Total so far 24lb. I'm having a week off now. Then back on it for another 4 weeks.
Well I started Monday so on day 2! drinking a lot of water and black coffee

Not looking forward for day 3 and 4 as the wall so I hope after I will be ok
How is everyone getting along? It's gone very quiet here. Ive started back on it after my week off. Another 4 weeks, let's hope I drop 2 stone. Wedding only 11weeks now and I'm worrying about my dress.
Welcome back how was your week off?? I'm sure the dress will look fab :)
I'm doing another two weeks after this week and il have done a total of 8! Beginning to lose motivation now!
Hi I am just starting week 5 I lost 3lb this week should have been 5lb but slipped last weekend and gained 2lb but I am cool with that. People are starting to notice the loss too which is great and lets you know that all this heard work is paying off.
Hi all, I've had a week without any loss so I'm thinking of coming off. Ive lost 2st 8 in total, but I can't carry on if I'm not losing, that's my only motivation. I'd still like to loose another 2 stone, not sure what to do at the moment. Hope everyone else is ok x
Hi, I've been in Lipotrim before, about 1 year ago and lost 2 stone in 6 weeks. However, stress and work commitments have made me lazy with my food choices and I now need to lose 3.5 stone! I'm starting my year on Lipotrim & want to be at goal by mid April. Has anyone else just started, I always find it helpful to share. I'm on day 2, feeling motivated & drinking water like a fish!
Hi I've just started today, lost 2 1/2 10 years ago now need to lose about 5st
Hi Guys,

I started Lipotrim back in November and lost a good bunch, then xmas and new years came and I have to say that I ate like there was no tomorrow. I'm back at it again and just now decided to stop cheating. Ever since xmas, I'm trying to go back to lipotrim but I am still cheating eating biscuits in the evenings. By now I should already be at my goal weight....need some motivation! I go every day to the gym and I'm happy to see the fat percentage going down, but it was the weight loss that kept me motivated. Has anybody been on Lipotrim for this long? I mean it's been 3 months :(
