Fast-tastic road to goal

Severely busy day but good day.


Had iceberg lettuce for lunch. Yum! Yum!

After work, went to gym for spinning then run with Katie after that. Then to Asda to but new Hoover.

Didn't get in until 9ish.

Had Damon and salad for dinner. Was lush :)

Can't be bothered counting my calories but it's def under 500 :)

Adios!! X
Gym n Body pump before school. Really enjoyed it :)

Here's my school dinner baked potato. Ud think it was a DD. Tiny tattie and sparse salad!

Going to have 2 little croissants now then make lamb for dinner later with tatties n veg :)

Be good! X


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do you find all the carbs slow weight loss?

Hi Laura.

I tried faffing about with carbs but it defeated the object. I was making things too hard for myself so caved in. I need carbs because I run n go to gym and my job requires a bit of energy too. So I just have what I fancy on UD.

I try to limit bread just because I could live on bread alone! X

It doesn't seem to make a difference to me because I exercise :) x
I haven't had a proper chance to read your diary yet TH.
How much have your lost JUDDDing ?
Your doing us proud TH. Love reading your entries you 9-3 er you :D x
I can't wait for you to weigh - how long till the 4th hole?

Never posted yesterday because soooo busy. Successful DD albeit a bit weird but still under 500cals.

It's 6am and I'm heading to gym then body pump.

Got my appraisal at work this morn :-/ then doing two of my staff's appraisals...

Course after work so not home until 7.30pm.

It's UD today but I'll be sensible because I'm having UD tomorrow too. Meeting some friends at another friends house. This will involve food n drink!

Have a good one :) x
I reckon I lost about 4lb in the first week, then maybe 1-2 thereafter which is good because I'm eating what I want on UD and usually I'd be gaining. Prob about 8lbs in 4 wks? X

That's good :)
Another busy day for you TH. Hope its all going to plan x
What a day!

I literally didn't stop till about 9pm. It was almost conical at times!

Appraisal was great and I got the other two appraisals done.

Running club with kids was great. There's more n more kids joining and they're not ur typical runners which I think is great :)

Mad busy afternoon then course until 7pm because it over-ran.

Was delighted to sit down n do nothing. Daughter came home from Uni for some mummy time cos she's not feeling well. Bless her!

Food: baked potato n salad, apple crumble n custard, hot chocolate x2 and 2 choc chip cookies. Dinner was KFC. Not the best!

Hope ur good :) x
Another UD today. Should be DD but will do that tomorrow instead.

Busy day at school, then Physio, then run with Katie, then out to a friends cos there's a load of us meeting up there for drink n curry. Looking forward to it :)

Have a fabulous Friday! X
Was going to do DD today but will see how it pans out.

great night last night. In at 1am so that wasn't too bad.

Didn't drink which was good decision cos I managed to get up n go to spin and now in gym :)

Have a great day! X