Graph or Spreadsheet

Thank you. hopefully the kick up the bum I need to motivate me again.

About to fill it all in now, so grateful!
Luvvin it! :thankyou::thankyou:

Can we make this a sticky so people can always have access to the spreadsheet.

I've made this a sticky as I think Steve's spreadsheet is amazing and could be really useful to a lot of people. Thanks for suggesting it :)
Okay Claire ...... keep your old spreadsheet if you have loaded it up just in case this blows up!!! I have tested it with my own data and it seems to hold up okay ....

I have attached a new version that:

a) Has a number of bug fixes to deal with when cells are blank
b) Adds two columns for average loss in lbs per day (Q) and per week (R)
c) Adds and estimated date for Goal Weight (V/W)

Let me know if it works out for you. I have just put in a bug-fix for when you hit goal weight or go under goal weight .....



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You are amazing Steve, brilliant. What a motivation this is going to be.
Steve, just tried filling it in and the date boxes are not populating, they are just saying #value#, am I doing something wrong ?
No I lie, I put the starting date in the wrong format, I put 28th August 07 instead of 28/08/07. Now it works fine, THIS IS BRILLIANT
You had me worried for a moment there. I suppose I should/could put some validation on the entered values ....... but I think I will leave it for now. I suppose I should have all the dates in the same format though - that was a bit dense of me putting the Goal Date in a different format ......

If anyone finds any bugs etc, or has suggested improvements, then let me know and I will see what I can do. I will save them up (unless they are bugs) until I have a few and then work them.

Not really sure what else this can do, though Claire did come up with an idea that I had never thought of, so you never know. I have been using this sheet now for 18 months (inc. during maintenance etc which has truly screwed my averages up!!), so I just took it for what it was and never thought about adding to it.
Steve - the chart is great

1 small change

The Average weight loss is taking into consideration week 1 which is the starting point and has no weight loss - so it is bringing the actually average down

Cheers mate
Big H .... do you have your initial week figure set to 0 or 1? I have mine set to 0 (must be something to do with being a programmer .... everything always starts at 0!!). The way I was looking at this was that the week number was an "end-of-week" ....

I can and will fix this though - it is a simple fix.
Big H .... do you have your initial week figure set to 0 or 1? I have mine set to 0 (must be something to do with being a programmer .... everything always starts at 0!!). The way I was looking at this was that the week number was an "end-of-week" ....

I can and will fix this though - it is a simple fix.

Cheers Steve - I've changed it manually - it was becuase the form jump from week "0" to week "2" when you input your initial details

Have emailed this to everybody in my office who is now using it !!

Top drawer
Big H - I have fixed this issue. You can now start from 0, 1, whatever you want and it should work okay.

General info for everyone - if you want the graph to just indicate your progress and not "plummet" off the bottom of the graph, all you need to do is to remove the incomplete weight tracking lines from the sheet and the graph will correct itself.

The reason that the graph plummets off the bottom is that it is set to graph the entire data area above it, and if you have lines in there with zero weight ......

What I tend to do is to only have lines filled out, and then cut/paste the last line to create the next one after my weigh-in:

1) Right-Click the last complete weight row in the row number column (far left) (e.g. Row 15)
2) Select Copy from the pop-up menu
3) Right-Click the next line under the data block in the row number column (far left) (e.g. Row 16)
4) Select Insert Copied Cells from the pop-up menu
5) Edit the Date (Column C), and weight (Columns D and E)


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Great stuff - cheers !

Are you ssing?
I was until today - I am moving to 790 for a couple of days, then to 1000, and next week I am working on my uncles farmhouse in France - mixing concrete, shifting rocks, slating a roof, etc etc. I am going armed with enough packs, but I think that the intensity of the work will require a higher calorific intake to keep me going. I will be back to SS on Monday 1st October though.
I was until today - I am moving to 790 for a couple of days, then to 1000, and next week I am working on my uncles farmhouse in France - mixing concrete, shifting rocks, slating a roof, etc etc. I am going armed with enough packs, but I think that the intensity of the work will require a higher calorific intake to keep me going. I will be back to SS on Monday 1st October though.

Yes mate - probabaly do yourself some damage if you try and SS when doing that much exercise. Hard to start from scracth again though (i.e getting back to Ketosis)
Oh, I know, I know :)

I suffered this time, and even though I am in ketosis now, I still have the hunger pangs and cravings which make this diet hell on Earth.

Hopefully if I start back 100% on 1st, I can be back in ketosis by 3rd .... If I manage my intake properly so that I only eat enough to stop light-headedness and keep the water intake up, hopefully my body will keep using up the glycogen stores ....
if you want the graph to just indicate your progress and not "plummet" off the bottom of the graph, all you need to do is to remove the incomplete weight tracking lines from the sheet and the graph will correct itself.

:rolleyes: the plummetting line is my favourite thing about the graph, Steve

I'm not changing it. Nope. :D
I must admit, I left it there for a while too, but then after a time it started to annoy me ...... being a programmer, it just got to me because I "knew" it was a bug, and I just cannot leave those things out there once I know they are there :)