How many bags of sugar have you lost?


Silver Member
I've been collecting sugar to represent how much weight i've lost each week.
1kg = 2.2lbs
I lost 3lbs this week, total of (46lbs) that's 20 bags of sugar!!!! Can't believe I was carrying that around with me!calculate yours on

Emma x


  • sugar week 11 003.jpg
    sugar week 11 003.jpg
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OMG Emma, When you see it like that it is a massive amount of weight. I have lost 34 bags so far. I'm going to look in supermarket today to see what that looks like. So if you hear about some loon woman in Ireland arrested for molesting bags of sugar in a shop you only have yourself to blame!!!! lol

Niamh xxx
Well done BigT! You want to try lifting 13kgs - its heavy!!

Niamh- How funny! 34 bags - woo hoo. I'm hoping to catch you up soon! lol

Emma x
Wow well done! (What are you going to DO with it all?! I might do similar but collect tins of veg soup or something, so I can still actually use it post-diet!!)

I've lost 12 bags of sugar! Can't wait until I've lost 20 bags - I'll have less than a stone to goal at that point!
Wow well done! (What are you going to DO with it all?! I might do similar but collect tins of veg soup or something, so I can still actually use it post-diet!!)

My dad has his eye on it! lol I don't know give some to school fair or something!

Thats a good idea to buy soup instead! lol

Its just a nice visual image. Tried lifting it all the other day - no chance!

Emma x
Wanna do an update! I've been on lipotrim for 14 weeks now. I'm 39 kg down. Soooo I'm happy to announce that I've lost 39 BAGS of SUGAR!!!!!!!
i was thinking only last night to do exactly the same sugar is fairly cheap and it will be easy to get rid of at the end
Wow I've lost nearly 10 bags of sugar!!!! Another 3 bags to goal lol :)

Can't believe how well you have all done!!!
Well, when I posted my reply above I couldn't really imagine having lost 20 bags of sugar... and yet I have now lost over 22 bags of sugar! Nearly 4 bags to go... when I reach goal, I'll have lost about 26 bags!
Well done Emma.
I like this idea of having a visual image.
I've lost 22 bags so far, but still about 9 more to go...
i've lost 12 bags of sugar. Thank God lol
Ive only just started but have lost my first bag of sugar!! I never thought to look at it like!
Wow...I've lost 10 bags of sugar?!!! Mental!!! I wanna have something visual too but no idea what is do with all that sugar. I'd still have 15 more bags to rid!
Wow...I've lost 10 bags of sugar?!!! Mental!!! I wanna have something visual too but no idea what is do with all that sugar. I'd still have 15 more bags to rid!

Hiya Lauren

Well done on your weight loss. I ended up giving most of that sugar away!!!!

I'm back again to shift 2 stone that I have put on!!! grrr But i'm gonna keep up the will power and get it off in 7 weeks.

Might to the couch to 5k again too as I miss the running and how good I felt.

I've been collecting sugar to represent how much weight i've lost each week.
1kg = 2.2lbs
I lost 3lbs this week, total of (46lbs) that's 20 bags of sugar!!!! Can't believe I was carrying that around with me!calculate yours on

Emma x
How long you been on it? Bet you’re so happy well done. I’m in my 3rd week. Lost 16lbs in my first fortnight . ( getting weighed 2 weekly)
