Puddings Ice-cream Machine and Ice-cream Update

furrysmudge said:
mullets? x

Lol , I think she means Mullers ;)

Unless she is freezing fish or a hairdo lol ;)


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Lol , I think she means Mullers ;)

Unless she is freezing fish or a hairdo lol ;)


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Lol, I actually did laugh out loud there!! xx
K, look what you've started! Robert Dyas needs to pay you commission I think! xx
furrysmudge said:
K, look what you've started! Robert Dyas needs to pay you commission I think! xx

Do you wanna tell em or shall I ;)


Ps no Icecream today :(. Might have to try a new one tomorrow

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(tried adding homemade meringue to this but it went squidgy along with some digestive. It would have been lemon meringue pie Icecream - however, I think it needs real meringue nests to keep the crunch !)


6 Eggs
9 Tblsp Splenda
3 Lemons, juice and grated rind
6oz 0% Fat Greek Yogurt

Whisk eggs and lemon juice together
Whisk in splenda and lemon rind

Continue whisking over a Bain Marie making sure water does not touch the bottom of the pan. Whisk until thick
Remove from Bain Marie and whisk in Greek Yogurt.

Pour into a prepared jar and chill.

Once cold pour into Icecream maker

Takes 30 minutes

Serves 2


Put crushed digestive (3.5 each) and crushed meringue nest (13g = 2.5 each) into icecream maker followed by the lemon curd (as above) .

Takes 30 mins

Serves 2

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1 large tub 0% Greek Yogurt
40g Skinny Cow Chocolate Powder (8 SYNS)

Mix the above and pour into ICECREAM maker.

Serves 2-4

Takes 30 mins

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'BOUNTY' ICECREAM (2 or 2.5 SYNS total)

1 carton silken tofu
5-7 TBLSP sweetener
2-4 tsp coconut essence
7g grated milk chocolate = 2 SYNS or a 99 Flake (9g) crumbled = 2.5 SYNS

Blitz tofu and add sweetener and coconut essence

Pour into Icecream maker and slowly pour in grated chocolate .

This is yummy and creamy!

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Just to let you know that I posted a choc pud recipe on here some time ago with silkin tofu in it and my c did a taster with it at group, then was told once it was blended it was then highly syned. I rang the syns helpline who told me that this was the case indeed, once it was changed from its original form (??????) it then became syned as it was possible to over consume. There is a whole thread on this somewhere. However, someone else also rang the syns hotline, to be told it was Ok, so the jury is still out on this one. Sorry to put confusion into this, but just thought you may wish to know this. I have found that since I have stopped making it so often, my weight losses have been greater, but everyone is different. Perhaps if you rang the syns hotline, you may be told yet a different tale! Sorry!!
Hey everyone - am loving this thread! have so far tried the maltesers (yummy) and strawberry onken.

Hoping someone can help though - i am using a disney (haha) ice cream maker and i'm finding that around the edge of the bowl everything is freezing and not churning. Any ideas how to get round this? do you stir regularly or something?
Rkmriddell said:
Hey everyone - am loving this thread! have so far tried the maltesers (yummy) and strawberry onken.

Hoping someone can help though - i am using a disney (haha) ice cream maker and i'm finding that around the edge of the bowl everything is freezing and not churning. Any ideas how to get round this? do you stir regularly or something?

Hiya, if I don't pour mine in quick it freezes at edges but doesn't prevent churning .

However my Gino machine is no longer staying in it's fixed position when the lid is turned. It twists and unturns itself and then lifts up- I feel a trip to Robert Dyas is in order . Will be getting a replacement and hoping it's not a design fault . :(


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Yeah I now have a new Gino machine- bowl in the freezer now. Bought some new Onken Fat Free Mango and Apple yog- gonna try this next I think. ;)


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The SYN-free Onken Mango & Apple frozen yogurt was simply delicious ( I used 2 cartons) and nice as yogurt too


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Hmmmm, sounds soooo nice.

Does it matter what make the ice cream maker should be or the size?
I'm not sure what to look for when buying one.


Janeasetler said:
Hmmmm, sounds soooo nice.

Does it matter what make the ice cream maker should be or the size?
I'm not sure what to look for when buying one.


I don't think it matters at all. They all follow the same principle.

The size of the bowl will depend on the amount you can make .

I just bought one that was reduced by half price and a bit. Saying that- it went wrong so I returned it and swapped it so using my second one now


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Pinkie1973 said:
Re the tofu - could you use soya milk instead from HEa? I use it in milkshakes and always find it has a certain creaminess to the texture/after taste.....

Was using Tofu because it has no SYNS , although that is under debate at the moment - otherwise I would use milk , but would have to SYN it. Currently I am using flavoured yogurt of Greek 0% . Then adding synned stuff or not - Nom Nom


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Okay, I succumbed and went and bought an ice cream maker yesterday. No Robert Dyas in these parts so I got a John Lewis own brand one. Just about to take the bowl out of the freezer to make my first batch and will report back later. Had to chuck out a bag of frozen mixed peppers to make way for the bowl but what the heck, they were past their best and it's ice cream!!!
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Yay- what are you going to freeze then to make icecream? :icecream:


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