Little Miss' CC'ing Diary


Silver Member
Hey Ladies,

I've copied my "story" from a previous thread.....

I was a very skinny child, I wouldn't eat, I got put on medication & closely monitored by doctors my whole childhood, my family encouraged me to eat more for years - it back-fired. When I got to around age 11 I put on loads & was a very chubby child, got bullied & stuff, as a teenager I lost it all. I was a size 8/10 & around 9/10 stone when I met my OH we soon had our daughter, through my pregnancy I went from a size 8/10 to a size 20, I never weighed, convinced myself I was just chubby. Years went on, I was depressed, very depressed, I let my weight control my life & I didn't go out, buy clothes, stopped looking after myself, then in 2009 my daughter was due to start school, in January my dad sent me fotos from xmas day, I had avoided camera until then, I saw the pics & cried & cried, I couldn't believe how I looked, as they say the camera doesn't lie, that showed me the way other ppl saw me. I'd tried diets before, no joy, I said to myself, If I eat properly & do a bit of exercise, there is no doubt i'd lose - as my mum used to say - you dont get fat eating salads. Anyway, I CC'd and it was amazing, I lost weight every 2 weeks, i'd lose around 2/3lbs. I didn't exercise much tho, but I did do alot of walking as part of my daily routine, I started in January and by August (when my daughter started school) I had lost over 5 stone. I looked & felt amazing, and the compliments....they keep you going, ppl literally cant believe their eyes when they see someone lose weight, its amazing. To slip into size 10's after being in 20s for years, I felt so stupid for all the times i'd put it off, not stuck to diet, I thought, I could have done this years ago. I got my life back.

But after a year of that we started trying for baby no 2. I fell pregnant & was around 13 stone by this point, i'd put on 3stones gradually, after my son was born I was still 13 stones so didn't put anything on, but he had a life threatening condition & I struggled to keep myself alive let alone diet ect, so I let it pile on, I weighed myself about 3 weeks ago & I was 14.11 (5lbs less than my heaviest weight) I had to sort this, I couldn't believe i'd got that bad again, so here I am - I lost 3lbs last week just by cutting out rubbish.

I loved CC'ing & i'd never do another diet, it worked wonders for me, my only problem was stopping watching what i was eating. I did a daily dairy (I still have them) and I counted every day, I spent most time on a 1000 cals a day, alot of ppl dissaprove to that, but I did spent alot of months doing 1200. If I went what. I weighed weekly, The hardest part was putting on weight some weeks (esp when its totm) but it would soon catch up 2/3 weeks later. Scales aren't a good way of measuring but because I am ok with the gains on the scales, its not too bad, but if alot of ppl see a gain, they get de-motivated & dont watch their food as well ect. Thats alot of ppl's downfall.


Today (2nd Jan) I weigh 14 stone 6 lbs, my ideal weight is 8 stone 6 lbs, meaning I have exactly 6 stone to lose, I would love to lose it by the summer but my goal is my 30th Birthday at the end of November. My biggest struggle will be when I start to look smaller (say after a 3 stone loss) because I found last time alot of people were telling me to stop, I look too skinny ect. I realise I looked smaller but I was by no means skinny and was still in the over-weight category when people were saying that.

I plan to CC and also intermittent fasting, the way I'm doing it is I will not have any food for 14 hours a day, those 14 hours will be around 9/10pm and my first meal will be my lunch, then i'll have my dinner at normal time and around 9pm i'll have a small meal, a slice of toast, cereal, a breakfast type meal, then my fast. During my non-fasting times I will be consuming 1200 cals. I will also be doing exercise, but I haven't thought too much about that, i'll concentrate on the food for a while first.

My CC'ing will start on Thurs (3rd) I will start fasting the night before that (tonight) I weigh in every Monday, first thing before I eat. I'm not expecting a loss at my next weigh in (7th) because of my eating this week.

I'll be doing a diary every day, but I might do MFP as i've used it before and it looks good. But I will definately be keeping a diary of my food and i'll also put it on here. Be warned though - my food is very boring, I like plain things. lol

Anyway, thanks to anyone who's managed to read all that.

Wish me luck

Here's my before and afters from last time. In the big pics I was around 15 stone and the slimmer I was 10, I would like to get to that again but a bit smaller.


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Well, I didn't get to start my fast today, but my cc'ing will still go ahead today (3rd) I've worked out my BMR ect and to lose 2lbs per week I should be eating 1300 cals a day, which is higher than I wanted, but i'm gonna go for it. Wish me luck.
Ok, so today is (Friday) and since I woke this morning i've been good. So i'm really happy with myself. Last night was a total write off, I was good yesterday (Thurs) and binged at night after food shopping. Anyway, today has went well...this is what i've had -

brown bread x3 - 255
wafer thin chicken - 30
low fat spread - 30

tea & coffee - 100

part baked baguette - 370
vegetable soup - 138

tea & coffee - 100

banana - 100
apple - 50
mullerlight - 88

Total - 1261

EDIT - had late night binge new total 2261

I've not been too hungry today, but at night time I was very hungry, had lots of shaking from chocolate withdrawl, and feel a bit light headed, but I dont feel bloated at night and I duno, it feels kinda good, I feel...lighter.
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Subscribing will read after work x
Hey Ladies,

I've copied my "story" from a previous thread.....

I was a very skinny child, I wouldn't eat, I got put on medication & closely monitored by doctors my whole childhood, my family encouraged me to eat more for years - it back-fired. When I got to around age 11 I put on loads & was a very chubby child, got bullied & stuff, as a teenager I lost it all. I was a size 8/10 & around 9/10 stone when I met my OH we soon had our daughter, through my pregnancy I went from a size 8/10 to a size 20, I never weighed, convinced myself I was just chubby. Years went on, I was depressed, very depressed, I let my weight control my life & I didn't go out, buy clothes, stopped looking after myself, then in 2009 my daughter was due to start school, in January my dad sent me fotos from xmas day, I had avoided camera until then, I saw the pics & cried & cried, I couldn't believe how I looked, as they say the camera doesn't lie, that showed me the way other ppl saw me. I'd tried diets before, no joy, I said to myself, If I eat properly & do a bit of exercise, there is no doubt i'd lose - as my mum used to say - you dont get fat eating salads. Anyway, I CC'd and it was amazing, I lost weight every 2 weeks, i'd lose around 2/3lbs. I didn't exercise much tho, but I did do alot of walking as part of my daily routine, I started in January and by August (when my daughter started school) I had lost over 5 stone. I looked & felt amazing, and the compliments....they keep you going, ppl literally cant believe their eyes when they see someone lose weight, its amazing. To slip into size 10's after being in 20s for years, I felt so stupid for all the times i'd put it off, not stuck to diet, I thought, I could have done this years ago. I got my life back.

But after a year of that we started trying for baby no 2. I fell pregnant & was around 13 stone by this point, i'd put on 3stones gradually, after my son was born I was still 13 stones so didn't put anything on, but he had a life threatening condition & I struggled to keep myself alive let alone diet ect, so I let it pile on, I weighed myself about 3 weeks ago & I was 14.11 (5lbs less than my heaviest weight) I had to sort this, I couldn't believe i'd got that bad again, so here I am - I lost 3lbs last week just by cutting out rubbish.

I loved CC'ing & i'd never do another diet, it worked wonders for me, my only problem was stopping watching what i was eating. I did a daily dairy (I still have them) and I counted every day, I spent most time on a 1000 cals a day, alot of ppl dissaprove to that, but I did spent alot of months doing 1200. If I went what. I weighed weekly, The hardest part was putting on weight some weeks (esp when its totm) but it would soon catch up 2/3 weeks later. Scales aren't a good way of measuring but because I am ok with the gains on the scales, its not too bad, but if alot of ppl see a gain, they get de-motivated & dont watch their food as well ect. Thats alot of ppl's downfall.


Today (2nd Jan) I weigh 14 stone 6 lbs, my ideal weight is 8 stone 6 lbs, meaning I have exactly 6 stone to lose, I would love to lose it by the summer but my goal is my 30th Birthday at the end of November. My biggest struggle will be when I start to look smaller (say after a 3 stone loss) because I found last time alot of people were telling me to stop, I look too skinny ect. I realise I looked smaller but I was by no means skinny and was still in the over-weight category when people were saying that.

I plan to CC and also intermittent fasting, the way I'm doing it is I will not have any food for 14 hours a day, those 14 hours will be around 9/10pm and my first meal will be my lunch, then i'll have my dinner at normal time and around 9pm i'll have a small meal, a slice of toast, cereal, a breakfast type meal, then my fast. During my non-fasting times I will be consuming 1200 cals. I will also be doing exercise, but I haven't thought too much about that, i'll concentrate on the food for a while first.

My CC'ing will start on Thurs (3rd) I will start fasting the night before that (tonight) I weigh in every Monday, first thing before I eat. I'm not expecting a loss at my next weigh in (7th) because of my eating this week.

I'll be doing a diary every day, but I might do MFP as i've used it before and it looks good. But I will definately be keeping a diary of my food and i'll also put it on here. Be warned though - my food is very boring, I like plain things. lol

Anyway, thanks to anyone who's managed to read all that.

Wish me luck

Here's my before and afters from last time. In the big pics I was around 15 stone and the slimmer I was 10, I would like to get to that again but a bit smaller.

<img src=""/><img src=""/>:<img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/>

Subscribing :)
The best if luck x
You have the motivation and determination ... You have done it and you will do it again :)

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Today has been a good day eating wise, I've been quite hungry tonight, but managing to ignore it. Today i've had -

brown bread x3 - 255
wafer thin chicken - 30
low fat spread - 30
mayo - 50

4 cups tea - 200
3 cups coffee - 150

Weight Watchers beef hotpot - 231
sprouts x13 - 40??

Snack a jacks - 110
apple - 50
mullerlight - 110

Total - 1256

I've not been doing so well with having any fasting time, because i've been too hungry to think about it, but i'll see how I feel in a few days.

Hello.,I read your diary and you have done so well in the past! How is your depression now? Well done on a good food day yesterday. I also incoperate fasting into my diet in the sense I don't eat after my dinner and don't eat breakfast. I really wanna do alternative day fasting but I'm too greedy on my up days x
Hello.,I read your diary and you have done so well in the past! How is your depression now? Well done on a good food day yesterday. I also incoperate fasting into my diet in the sense I don't eat after my dinner and don't eat breakfast. I really wanna do alternative day fasting but I'm too greedy on my up days x


Its great to hear from someone else who is doing a similar fasting to me. I watched that horizon thing a few months ago & I said I am doing that, no matter what, the health benefits are unreal. I tried doing a 12 hour fast...I did it 100% for a full week, but it was so easy that I kept doing it another week and I lost 5lbs, and all my food was exactly the same, I was still stuffing my face (I know thats not ideal, but it shows how effective fasting is) so if I was eating all that and still losing, well, thats excellent! What times do you fast? I have to admit, its alot easier fasting when you're eating what you want & not so easy when your CC'ing. I find i'm just too hungry to do it. I was hoping to do 8/10pm until 12pm next day, but I just cant stop at 10pm, maybe its been because of the late nights over xmas, and being up late (hense being more hungry) Doing a 12/14 hour fast is the easiest out the bunch for me, I coudn't do fast days or anything like that. I think the 12/14 hour one is easier to fit into your normal life, as I said, i've never eaten a breakfast anyway, so thats not an issue. Actually, i've been speaking to a few people who naturally fast without realising it. For example my workmate stops eating at 6pm and doesn't have b/fast til 10am next day, thats a 14 hour fast every day, without thinking. I dont think its very often you meet people who dont snack after dinner, it seems to be the norm for alot of people, but I suppose if you think of it, we should be having a good fast every day!

Anyway, yesterday I managed to stick to cals & didn't have a sneaky binge at night. Today is gona be difficult coz the kids are away at their grans all day & sitting about with all the food in the house isn't good. I might do some sit ups, might motivate me more!?

Just adding an extra entry into my diary, I've lost 1lb. On Saturday morning, I was worried about my Friday late night binge, so I weighed and I was the same as before (14.6) - well I weighed this morning after being 100% yesterday and i've lost 1lb. wooooop

Also when I was looking thro my 2012 diary, i've not been healthy eating or anything but on a few occasions i've recorded my weight. My Lowest of 2012 (recorded) was 13.11 and my highest 14.11. So i've now lost 6lbs in total.


Its great to hear from someone else who is doing a similar fasting to me. I watched that horizon thing a few months ago & I said I am doing that, no matter what, the health benefits are unreal. I tried doing a 12 hour fast...I did it 100% for a full week, but it was so easy that I kept doing it another week and I lost 5lbs, and all my food was exactly the same, I was still stuffing my face (I know thats not ideal, but it shows how effective fasting is) so if I was eating all that and still losing, well, thats excellent! What times do you fast? I have to admit, its alot easier fasting when you're eating what you want & not so easy when your CC'ing. I find i'm just too hungry to do it. I was hoping to do 8/10pm until 12pm next day, but I just cant stop at 10pm, maybe its been because of the late nights over xmas, and being up late (hense being more hungry) Doing a 12/14 hour fast is the easiest out the bunch for me, I coudn't do fast days or anything like that. I think the 12/14 hour one is easier to fit into your normal life, as I said, i've never eaten a breakfast anyway, so thats not an issue. Actually, i've been speaking to a few people who naturally fast without realising it. For example my workmate stops eating at 6pm and doesn't have b/fast til 10am next day, thats a 14 hour fast every day, without thinking. I dont think its very often you meet people who dont snack after dinner, it seems to be the norm for alot of people, but I suppose if you think of it, we should be having a good fast every day!

Anyway, yesterday I managed to stick to cals & didn't have a sneaky binge at night. Today is gona be difficult coz the kids are away at their grans all day & sitting about with all the food in the house isn't good. I might do some sit ups, might motivate me more!?


Can i be really thick and ask what fasting is??

Good luck Kirsty x

Claire - you can do lots of different type of fasting - there was a horizon documentary on a couple of months ago where they studied the benefits of fasting they found out that if you fast you lower your chances of getting certain things like cancer & other things (I can try & find the link if you like) I'm mostly doing it for health reasons. All the ways are equally as effective, you can do a 14 hour fast (16 for men) each day, whatever hours you like, over bed time is the easiest option, so alot of ppl actually fast without realising it, if you finish dinner at 6pm you fast for 14 hours and have breakfast at 8am. I struggle to stop eating at night so I try & start at 10 and have a late breakfast/early lunch.
Well, I'm now 5 days in (I hadn't realised i'd done so many days)

Last 2 days i've recorded my cals on my laptop, but haven't put them on here. I got a lot muddled up about the cals in my teas & coffees so since i've started, some days i've counted the teas & coffees some days I haven't. So, i'm not sure of my exact calories, I know i've definately been eating less, and my food cals is coming to around 1200 so I duno what it is with about 6 cups a day. I'm trying different things with my teas & coffees, like less sugar/different milk ect. So as of tomorrow i'll be counting the cals of my drinks properly.

Today has been a good day again its about 1200 cals worth of food not incl the drinks, I got some new things today called pink & white wafers, you can get them in poundland, they're only 50 cals each, great for a nice thing with a cup of tea.

I tried 30 day shred last night & body is aching, I dont think i'll keep it up, need to do a bit more reading about it, but its inspired me to do more exercise.

Well done your motivation looks great might have to give the fasting thing a go, am I understanding it right you eat last thing 8-9 at night an dont eat till lunch time but then have your main meal and then have Wouk you would normally have for lunch at tea time ?
Well done for making it 5 days in, thats fantastic! You sound really motivated :D

I'm on Day 2 of the Shred and really achy too. What other exercise do you like?
Well done your motivation looks great might have to give the fasting thing a go, am I understanding it right you eat last thing 8-9 at night an dont eat till lunch time but then have your main meal and then have Wouk you would normally have for lunch at tea time ?

You fast for 14 hours a day, it doesn't matter what hours out of 24 you do it in, whatever suits you best, just as long as you dont eat during that time. So you could eat your dinner at 6pm, and 14 hour fast then eat at 8am. Or you could have dinner at 6pm and a snack at 8pm and 12 hour fast til 10am. Does that make sense? The health benefits are amazing, you should watch the horizon thing.

Thanks berryberry,

Sorry i've not been on anyone elses diary, I've been so busy but plan to have a good nosey over the next few days.

Well, i've been good today, I have had -

tuna & sweetcorn sandwich - 300

coffee x3 - 300

cheesy pasta 350

tea - 100

low cal tea - skimmed milk & 1/4 sugar- 50

apple - 50
crisps - 100
mullerlight - 110


So today I was meaning to properly count the cals in my cups of tea/coffee but I was so busy this morning in work that I just went ahead & made it without thinking, so i've used alot of cals again today on warm drinks. I had one low fat cup though, and i'll be having that from now on, only 50cals a cup.

I managed to fast for 12 hours yesterday, I need to get to 14 hours so i'm not too far off just now, I am going to try doing 13 hours tonight (stop eating at 11 and start at 12pm tomoz)

I'm feeling so much more lighter at night times, i normally eat my most at nights so i was always really heavy walking up & down the stairs but i feel a lot lighter & more able to do things. I didn't do the 30 day shred again, im still in agony & it was 2days ago, something aint right, i think it was too much for me, i've not exercised since having 2nd LO in Oct 2011 so im probs too unfit for the shred, gona keep on doing some crunches & weights though.

Hey everyone!

Today has been good so far - i've had -

tuna sandwich without mayo - 200
banana - 100

5 cheesy biscuits - 50

Heinz spaghetti hoops - 200

coffee x 2 - 100

tea x2 - 100

5 cheesy biscuits - 50
low fat crisps - 90
2 wafer mallows - 100

mullerlight - 110
apple - 50

total - 1150

I've tried to cut back on cups of tea/coffee to reduce the cals a bit today. Since my cals are low I might have a bowl of cereal before bed if im hungry.

Tomorrow is a big day - 1 week cc'ing!!! Haven't managed this long in ages, so fingers crossed for a loss on Monday & another good week.

Day number 7 (feels great to say that!)

I've eaten slightly more cals than normal today, I allowed myself a treat of a few choc digestives since its Friday.

Here's my food -

coffee - 50

sandwich & tuna (no mayo) - 200
banana - 100

tea - 50
coffee - 50
tea - 50
cheesy biscuits x 10 - 200

pasta - 300

3 choc digestives - 255
pink & white wafer - 50
mullerlight 85

low fat crisps - 84

cereal - 200