Cruise PP Madhur Jaffrey's chicken kebabs - Dukanised!


Gold Member
The original recipe contained breadcrumbs and the kebabs were deep fried, but I've fiddled a bit and it seems to work! :D

1 large onion
500g minced chicken (I used turkey)
1 tbspn chopped garlic
1 tbspn fresh root ginger (didn't have any, so used powdered)
1 tbspn finely chopped hot green chilli (didn't have any, so used dried)
1 tbspn ground coriander
1 tbspn ground cumin
0.5 tbspn garam masala
1 egg
1 tspn salt

Blend the onions to a purée, and spices, garlic e and egg. Blend again.

Add to turkey and mix well. Add salt.

Shape into patties (they will be quite wet) and put onto greaseproof paper on baking trays. Bake in a hot oven for about 40 minutes, turning once.

I'm going to serve mine with a yogurt/onion dip (sort of raita) but Ellie's sweet chilli sauce would be great with these.

P x


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Yummy, going to try them this week