Manda Doing Strict Keto After Pregnancy

Ketosis seems to make my reflux worse, but hey ho, I've heard that it may rectify in time.
My BP is usually perfect and textbook but has even been slightly low the last few times which is good. I'm due 31st January but I'm usually taken around 37 weeks for induction due to multiple health problems. So I'll ask at my scan on Wednesday about booking in.
Ketosis seems to make my reflux worse, but hey ho, I've heard that it may rectify in time.
My BP is usually perfect and textbook but has even been slightly low the last few times which is good. I'm due 31st January but I'm usually taken around 37 weeks for induction due to multiple health problems. So I'll ask at my scan on Wednesday about booking in.

Ooh that’s not long then!! I’m due April 12th if I don’t need a caesarean at 37 weeks, really hope I don’t I’ve never had one before and hospital is 3.5hrs from home. What do your meals look like now if you don’t mind me asking? In third trimester?
Thanks girls!! Yes it's much better for us, just very challenging in pregnancy because you can't fast. I could easily fast now and it would help with the hunger because I would hardly have any but no way would I do that of course. I'm beginning to think about how to plan my macros for breastfeeding.
Ugh acid reflux is a biiiiig issue for me. Not just in pregnancy but I'm to have surgery afterwards as I have hEDS and one of the things with it is dislocations which I have in abundance. My eosphagial sphincter is another one affected and it just won't stay closed so I have to get my stomach stitched around it.
I'll see if I can upload a photo of my progress below. It's a pic of me at 18 weeks in the blue top and now at 34 weeks in the black top. I weigh about 7lb less now than then.

Can really see the difference - keep at it !! I have a Haiti’s hernia and struggled with reflux , I was in omeprazole for 15 years until I learned that it made me anaemic and prevented my breaking down and absorbing other vitamins . Over a year I warned myself off it with a warm drink of slippery elm powder mixed to a paste with cold water then topped up with warm . I’m now reflux free ( as long as I don’t drink / eat large portions of carbs / eat too late at night . I don’t think it’s contraindicated for pregnancy - ask in a health food shop - you want the powder , not the drink. It forms a lining on your eosiphagus preventing the acid from irritating lining - which as I’m sure you know can have serious effects if untreated . My local nhs trust won’t do that operation any more so I had no choice but to self treat - and it worked !!!
If you think about it, you actually weigh more than 7lb less as baby, waters, placenta aren’t actually you if that makes sense - I can see a big difference between the two pictures! Acid is dreadful, sounds like yours must be very heartburn is a lot better now I’m back low carb and I e managed to reduce my bp which I’m v happy about as it was getting high - was main reason I knew it was time to start trying again. When are you due?

I think low carb works great for acid as long as you replace with more protein not high levels of fat x
I'll definitely give it a try but my EDS makes my eosphagial sphincter stay open, so I need the surgery as nothing else has ever worked. I've tried Apple Cider Vinegar, Probiotics, Aloe Vera, CBD, Turmeric, Bicarbonate of Soda you name it lol. The omeprazole I've taken for 10 years and it's given me gastroparesis but I can't keep food down without it, it would seem my sphincter doesn't close. I'm often woken by breathing acid into my lungs and I sleep upright. Reflux is a horrible thing it really is.
Due to go for induction at the beginning of January. So less than two weeks to go. Baby will be born around 36 weeks. Still 3lb below start weight.
So it's been a while. I'm back and I've had the baby. She was 7lb8oz and I weighed 2lb over my pre pregnancy weight on the day she was born. I now weigh 1.5 stone below. I really want to get back into keto again but I've been slacking.
Ok so I've finished day 1. I say day 1 because I'm out of keto a while now since baby was born. Even though I've been steadily losing anyhow.
My start weight pregnant was 14st 13lb and I'm now down to 13st 5lb. I would love to be 12st fairly soon and then lose the other stone a bit slower. If I want any more off beyond that I'll see then. Be nice to wear some summery things this year though.
Congratulations Manda on your new baby!

Good to see you back and doing so well.

At this rate you will be 12st before you know.
Congratulations in new baby - you’ll have lots more energy if you can stick to keto , but it’s hard with less sleep xxxx
Thank you! I'm doing great on it, I'm hoping the scales tomorrow say I'm into the 12s :) baby is only wakening for a brief few ounces at about 4, so I expect her to cut that bottle out in a few weeks as all my others did. I'm feeling great to be doing this heading into spring.
Progress pic


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I've done it! I'm 12st 12lb I can't believe it I'm so happy. I've wanted to be in the 12s for such a long time.


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Ok so I fecked about there for a couple of weeks. Back on it as of today. This time I'm going proper strict. Like, even more than when I was deep in keto during pregnancy. I'll be doing 23:1 intermittent fasting, as low carb as possible. So as close to zero as I can manage. Plus I'll be incorporating water fasts of however long I can manage along the way. I'm going to give myself a duration of 10 weeks, and a goal to get into the 11s by the end of the 10 weeks. Will I do it? Let's see.

So start day is today 25th March. Start weight is 13st 1lb

Let's do this!!
Day 2 (I think) i had an endoscopy yesterday. They wouldn't let me go until I'd eaten something and they only had bloody toast. So I had that. No big deal, not like I had a choice and it was a medical procedure. I had some ham later. Today I've only had a few sausages. I'm hoping I can fast now until tomorrow and get 24 hours in. Night time kind of messes with me a bit. Some size 16s are huge on me now. If there's any stretch to them, I need a 14. I'm wearing a 12/14 on top. Short tops are defo a 12.