Pregnancy - trying not to gain anymore!


Kerry's pregnancy diary
Hey everyone, few of u may know me on here already. I am currently 17 weeks and 4 days pregnant. Jumped on my mums scales this morning and says I've gained 1 st 4lb :-( that's way too much for this stage of pregnancy. My problem is I have been off n on a diet since forever, I'm all or nothing so as u can imagine I have pigged my face since being pregnant. I start the day with good intentions n then goes to pot. So enough is enough. I am joining a slimming world meeting and hoping to maintain for a bit n gain as little as possible from this moment on. I have spoke to my leader n she sounds really nice so hopefully I will get on wing it ok. Been a long time since I have done slimming world. I'm usually at weight watchers. xx
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Subscribing gorgeous mummy2be :)

Thanks Hun :). I'll be pestering u on things cos it's been a very long time since I have done summing world x
Pester away chic :) More than happy to help if I can xxx
I've just added you to a FB group one of the girls on here set up... Its pregnancy n SW... Just sometimes FB is easier to get on... Feel free to leave the group anytime... Just be nice to get hints n tips from like minded ladies :)
Perter away chic :) More than happy to help if I can xxx

:) thanks, do u know if the so Maggie range/ packet mixes are many syns? also what do u get when ur pregnant? As in a's n b's when ur doing extra easy x
Hey subscribing xx
No still at ww hun. Loving it atm xx

I'm a ww girl at heart but obv can't do it with being pregnant. Unless I start to really like sliming world then I'll be back at ww once I've had baby. How are u getting on? X
So I'm kind of starting today but I have no books or anything so prob won't be doing it as I should. Come tue I will log syns ect. I'm allowed 2 a's and 2 b's with being pregnant. I have no small bread in tho so I'll be using 2 normal size slices wholemeal n classing it as both my b's. or would u say 3 would be worth 2 b's haha I don't know. Anyway today will look a little like this

A-milk in tea's ( how much milk can I have) ? If it's half a pint of semi skimmed this will prob do my drinks.
Extra easy day

Bacon sandwhich with tiny bit low fat butter and brown sauce - madelions cooked in fry light.
Bread = 2 b's
This will be breakfast/ lunch as got up late today.

Snack shot if I get peckish.

Dinner - pasta with chopped up ham, cucumber, onions, tomatoes, salad cream and mayo
Grated cheese - 30g a?

Snack pot fruit salad
Think that covers my 5 a day with salad in pasta.

So 8 syns? Mayo, salad cream, butter? Does this sound right? X
Also which yoghurts are free? Xx

im doing really well, totally in the zone, i have a new diary called sarahs simple start. iv lost 3 1/2 so far but only counting from the new year. shocking ww doesnt let you when your pg but sw does.

i kknow muller lights are and ww yogs are too if that helps xx
heya im doing really well, totally in the zone, i have a new diary called sarahs simple start. iv lost 3 1/2 so far but only counting from the new year. shocking ww doesnt let you when your pg but sw does. i kknow muller lights are and ww yogs are too if that helps xx

Oh good, it's good to be back in the zone. It's the only time I feel in control when I do a plan. well done on the loss :) . I'll follow ur diary.
Yeh I thought muller ones were free , I'll have to get some in xx
Subscribing :)
Here you go hunnie.. Should make it a little easier for you :) xx


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Thanks Hun ur a star :) xx