Scotch Egg ( Joe Style )


Gold Member
Scotch Egg ( Joe Style )

Makes 6
1 HeB on Extra Easy or Red

1 pack of Joes Sausagemeat
6 Hard Boiled Eggs
3 Slices 800g Loaf Wholemeal Bread
1 Beaten Egg

Mold sausagemeat around the eggs ( very messy lol ).
Blitz bread with seasoning to breadcrumbs.
Roll scotch egg in beaten egg then into breadcrumbs. Chill for 30 mins.
I sprayed mine with frylight and cooked in Actifry for 10 mins without the paddle then added paddle for further 10 mins. This allowed the scotcheggs to partially cook and hold their shape before adding paddle to keep them moving and stop them burning :D
You could cook these in the oven I would say for approx 20-30 mins on 180.

I wish I had taken a photo as they looked so perfect.....son and hubbie loved them so much....were all happy bunnies lol
ooh sound delicious, i think I will give them a go. Thanks for this! x
They can also be rolled in left over couscous if u have any... there yummy :)
Loopeylou said:
Scotch Egg ( Joe Style )

Makes 6
1 HeB on Extra Easy or Red

1 pack of Joes Sausagemeat
6 Hard Boiled Eggs
3 Slices 800g Loaf Wholemeal Bread
1 Beaten Egg

Mold sausagemeat around the eggs ( very messy lol ).
Blitz bread with seasoning to breadcrumbs.
Roll scotch egg in beaten egg then into breadcrumbs. Chill for 30 mins.
I sprayed mine with frylight and cooked in Actifry for 10 mins without the paddle then added paddle for further 10 mins. This allowed the scotcheggs to partially cook and hold their shape before adding paddle to keep them moving and stop them burning :D
You could cook these in the oven I would say for approx 20-30 mins on 180.

I wish I had taken a photo as they looked so perfect.....son and hubbie loved them so much....were all happy bunnies lol

Yes *bump* I would love to do these for a picnic with my boys tomorrow, I would love to know how many Syns these would be, please could anyone tell me??? X
Ok, lovely! Fruit for brekkie then and a lovely picnic, I actually can't wait, going to make a pasta and a chicken salad also! X
I had them yesterday for my picnic and they are one of the best things I have made slimming world wise! Thank you!!
Hey can you use polenta instead of couscous or bread or would it be synned ? Also when I made a similar version of these I just gave them a good spray with frylight and cooked them in a 180 oven for 20 mins to half an hour these were really yummy but I think I personally needed more seasoning in mine, I also just used lean pork mince instead of sausages formed exactly like scotch egg meat does but without all the extras they bulk sausages out with so 100% meat - well I had some chopped onion in too lol

Happy scotch egg making people :) xxx
I did the scan bran version of these yesterday with Joe's sausagemeat and can't believe how good they were! So gorgeous and syn free as I used the scan bran as my HEXB. Yay!


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ImpossibleDreamer said:
I did the scan bran version of these yesterday with Joe's sausagemeat and can't believe how good they were! So gorgeous and syn free as I used the scan bran as my HEXB. Yay!

I think the scan bran ones are the best :) can't wait for my Joel's sausage meat to arrive :)
I love these!!!


Rolling the sausage meat round the egg is a nightmare!

Dip your hands in the egg to prevent sticking


Lay out some cling film, put lump of sausage meat on, cover in another layer of cling film, roll into a pancake with rolling pub, put the Elgin the middle, dip fingers in the egg and pull the sides round PERFECT EVERYTIME!
